High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
ALADIN Workshop 16th in parallel with the HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 16-19, 2006
Article published on 2 December 2006
last modification on 19 January 2009

by Patricia
Photo of the participants

The 16th ALADIN Workshop was really a big event as it gathered in parallel for the first time :

An ALADIN CSSI and HIRLAM MG meeting took also place in Sofia.

Main conclusions :

Program of the ALADIN workshop

(click on the title for on-line presentation or minutes)

Tuesday 16
08:30-11:20 Opening and general presentations on projects and models Chair : V. Spiridonov & A. Bogatchev
08:30 Opening
08:40 J-F Geleyn New ALADIN governance
09:10 J. Onvlee HIRLAM science plan
09:30 R. Brozkova ALARO
09:50 F. Bouttier Status of AROME
10:40 A. Horanyi Status of ALADIN-HIRLAM cooperation
11:00 Posters session Introduction to national posters :Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, France, Hungary, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Poster on new ALADIN governance and other useful informations
RISk on deep CONvection indices (RISCON): a new diagnostic tool
11:20-12:20 LTM informal meeting Working document (questionnaire on procedure of coordinated oper switches)
14:00-15:30 System maintenance session Chair : O. Spaniel
14:00 R. El Khatib Status of cycles, gmkpack, status of export versions
14:30 G. Boloni ALADIN coupled with ECMWF/IFS
14:50 C. Fischer ECMWF special project on coupling with IFS data
15:10 J-D Gril Pinuts and geometry
15:30 Plenary discussion about LTM role and operational support Talk master: F. Bouttier
Report from morning LTM informal meeting
17:00-18:30 Working session System maintenance : coordination for operational changes and phasing
Wednesday 17
08:30-10:40 Variational assimilation (at all scales) Chair : B. Chapnik
08:30 G. Boloni & R. Randriamampianina Recent activities with the ALADIN/HU 3DVAR system
08:50 C. Fischer Overview of ALADIN-France activities and plans
09:10 N.Gustafsson Status and results of HIRLAM 4D-VAR
09:30 D. Barker HIRLAM data assimilation plans and challenges
09:50 Discussion (start with HMG/CSSI report) Talk master : HMG/CSSI reporter (Minutes of the discussion)
11:00-13:20 LAM-EPS session : Chair : S. Stefanescu
11:00 A. Horanyi An overview about the LAMEPS activities in the ALADIN project & poster presentation
11:25 Y. Wang The future development and research plan of ALADIN Ensemble Forecasting & poster presentation
11:50 J.A. Garcia-Moya Experiences with multi-model ensemble forecasting at INM
12:10 N. Gustafsson Plans for a Grand Limited Area Model Ensemble (GLAMEPS)
12:30 Discussion (start with HMG/CSSI report) Talk master: HMG/CSSI reporter
14:30-15:30 physic-dynamic interfacing session Chair : C. Fischer
14:30 Bent HS Plugging HIRLAM physics in ARPEGE/ALADIN
14:50 Discussion on next steps for « interface » and AAA/HIRLAM convergence
15:30-16:30 Common verification session Talk master: HMG/CSSI reporter
15:30 S. Tijm Common validation and verification working group: outcome and follow-up of the Oslo workshop
15:50 Discussion (start with HMG/CSSI report)
16:50-16:30 General discussion Talk master: M. Derkova
16:50 J. Onvlee Reporting from HMG/CSSI
17:10 A. Horanyi Outcome of “Vision on future of NWP in Europe†scoping meeting and follow-up
17:20 General discussion on common ALADIN/HIRLAM topics
19:00 Cocktail
Thursday 18
08:30-10:30 surface processes and surfex Chair : D. Banciu
08:30 E. Martin Latest scientific developments in SURFEX
08:50 L. Kraljevic 1-D and 3-D test of SURFEX in ARPEGE
09:10 G. Hello & J-D Gril Technical aspects of the SURFEX implementation in ARPEGE/ALADIN/AROME
09:30 S. Gollvik Surface modelling : HIRLAM recent activities
09:50 Discussion
11:00-12:10 Modelling session : physics and dynamics Chair : P. Termonia
11:00 Y. Bouteloup Last ingredients of the physics e-suite
11:20 S. Malardel Latest improvements in the Meso-NH/AROME physics (part 1, part 2)
11:50 T. Kovacic Recent development in DDH
14:00-16:25 Modelling session : physics and dynamics (following) Chair : M. Tudor
14:00 L. Kullmann First investigations with AROME prototype in Hungary
14:20 J. Cedilnik & R. Brozkova Pseudo-prognostic TKE scheme in ALARO
14:40 J. Masek Improved parametrization of the cloud optical properties for ALARO-0
15:00 M. Tudor ALARO-0 microphysics and precipitation : current status
15:20 P. Termonia Stability and accuracy of physics-dynamics interfaces : some results
15:40 L. Gérard 3D experiments at various resolutions of an integrated package handling cloud and precipitation processes
16:00 J. Vivoda New developments in NH dynamics & SLHD
16:55-18:25 Parallel Working session Data Assimilation (minutes of the discussion)
16:55-18:25 Parallel Working session Modelling (minutes of the discussion)
Friday 19
08:30-10:00 Long runs Chair : R. Brozkova
08:30 S. Somot ALADIN climate at MF
08:50 H. Toth ALADIN/Climate : Hungarian activities
09:10 A. Farda ALADIN - climate experiments in Prague
09:30 F. Bouttier The EURRA reanalysis project
10:30-12:00 Verification Chair : S. Sbii
10:30 K. Kok Conclusions of the SRNWP verification workshop
10:50 E. Bazile Model verification using precipitation analysis
11:10 M. Zagar Different quantitative measures for high resolution modelling of precipitation
11:30 N. Pristov Current status of common ALADIN verification project
11:50-12:30 Discussion on coordination of verification Talk master: G. Hello
12:30-13:50 Final discussion (minutes) Talk master: A. Horanyi (introduction of the final discussion)
13:50 Closure

ALADIN climate at MF 1.5 MiB / PDF

ALADIN - climate experiments in Prague 857.6 KiB / PDF

ALADIN coupled with ECMWF/IFS 676 KiB / PDF

ALADIN/Climate : Hungarian activities 1.4 MiB / PDF

ALARO 830.7 KiB / PDF

ALARO-0 microphysics and precipitation : current status 361.1 KiB / PDF

An overview about the LAMEPS activities in the ALADIN project & poster presentation 4.6 MiB / PDF

Common validation and verification working group: outcome and follow-up of the Oslo workshop 883.4 KiB / PDF

Conclusions of the SRNWP verification workshop 41.2 KiB / PDF

Current status of common ALADIN verification project 1.1 MiB / PDF

Different quantitative measures for high resolution modelling of precipitation 901.1 KiB / PDF

Discussion on next steps for « interface » and AAA/HIRLAM convergence 60.5 KiB / PDF

ECMWF special project on coupling with IFS data 35.3 KiB / PDF

Experiences with multi-model ensemble forecasting at INM 6.5 MiB / PDF

First investigations with AROME prototype in Hungary 908.5 KiB / PDF

HIRLAM data assimilation plans and challenges 57.7 KiB / PDF

HIRLAM science plan 173.2 KiB / PDF

HMG/CSSI report on Data Assimilation 60.6 KiB / PDF

HMG/CSSI report on LAM-EPS 33.7 KiB / PDF

Improved parametrization of the cloud optical properties for ALARO-0 3.5 MiB / PDF

Introduction of the final discussion 140.5 KiB / PDF

Last ingredients of the physics e-suite 1.4 MiB / PDF

Latest improvements in the Meso-NH/AROME physics : part 1 4.3 MiB / PDF

Latest improvements in the Meso-NH/AROME physics : part 2 42.2 KiB / PDF

Latest scientific developments in SURFEX 8.1 MiB / PDF

Minutes of “Data Assimilation†working group 60.8 KiB / PDF

Minutes of DA discussion 63.7 KiB / PDF

Minutes of Modellingworking group 90.1 KiB / PDF

Minutes of the discussion on surface processes and surfex 74.1 KiB / PDF

Minutes of the final discussion of the Wk16 77.6 KiB / PDF

Model verification using precipitation analysis 2.1 MiB / PDF

New ALADIN governance 242.5 KiB / PDF

New developments in NH dynamics & SLHD 14.8 MiB / PDF

Outcome of “Vision on future of NWP in Europe†scoping meeting and follow-up 118.7 KiB / PDF

Overview of ALADIN-France activities and plans 3.2 MiB / PDF

Pinuts and geometry 71.8 KiB / PDF

Plans for a Grand Limited Area Model Ensemble (GLAMEPS) 93.6 KiB / PDF

Plugging HIRLAM physics in ARPEGE/ALADIN 2.6 MiB / PDF

Poster BG 39.8 KiB / PDF

Poster CZ 1.3 MiB / PDF

Poster FR 1.1 MiB / PDF

Poster HR 1.8 MiB / PDF

Poster HU 1.6 MiB / PDF

Poster MA 833.7 KiB / PDF

Poster on new ALADIN governance and other useful informations 1.8 MiB / PDF

Poster PL 77 KiB / PDF

Poster PT 395.3 KiB / PDF

Poster RO 856.4 KiB / PDF

Poster SI 172 KiB / PDF

Poster SK 163.1 KiB / PDF

Pseudo-prognostic TKE scheme in ALARO 361.5 KiB / PDF

questionnaire on procedure of coordinated oper switches 526.8 KiB / PDF

Recent activities with the ALADIN/HU 3DVAR system 1.6 MiB / PDF

Recent development in DDH 155.4 KiB / PDF

Report from morning LTM informal meeting 54.9 KiB / PDF

Reporting from HMG/CSSI 38.7 KiB / PDF

RISk,on deep CONvection indices (RISCON): a new diagnostic tool 517.9 KiB / PDF

Stability and accuracy of physics-dynamics interfaces : some results 359 KiB / PDF

Status and results of HIRLAM 4D-VAR 2.3 MiB / PDF

Status of ALADIN-HIRLAM cooperation 1.4 MiB / PDF

Status of AROME 3 MiB / PDF

Status of cycles, gmkpack, status of export versions 129.1 KiB / PDF

Surface modelling : HIRLAM recent activities 6.2 MiB / PDF

Technical aspects of the SURFEX implementation in ARPEGE/ALADIN/AROME 333.1 KiB / PDF

The EURRA reanalysis project 218.3 KiB / PDF

The future development and research plan of ALADIN Ensemble Forecasting & poster presentation 289.2 KiB / PDF