Extra-Ordinary General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Brussels, 23-24 February 2006
Main decisions/conclusions : see also the full Minutes
- The relationships between governing bodies defined in the new MoU were precised, with a proposed way of circulating information->
, request and decision between GA, PAC, PM and Directors on one hand (in black on the picture), in consistency with HIRLAM (in red) and with ECMWF (in blue).
- ALADIN Strategy : choice for a common ALADIN Position to answer the EUMETNET-MO initiative (with possible extension to HIRLAM) and a common ALADIN-HIRLAM proposal for EURRA.
- From yearly working plan to 10 years strategy : A 3 steps programme aggregation->
with the creation of a task-force in order to work on long-tern strategy :
- F. Bouttier (Fr)
-** R. Brozkova (Cz) - E. Legrand (Fr)
- A. Mokssit (Mo)
- C. Soci (Ro)
- P. Termonia (Be)
- M. Zagar (Si)
- F. Bouttier (Fr)
- The GA also approved the objectives and priorities for 2006/2007.
- The legal texts for royalties and licenses were adopted.
- Taking into account the outcome of the Brussels General Assembly, some organizational arrangements (CSSI and Support Team) has been proposed. The governance map and the PAC’s terms of reference were also adopted. For a quick view, see also the new ALADIN’s governance graphical representations.
- Membership : Moldavia will sign a cooperation agreement with Romania, Fyrom could do the same with Bulgaria and Croatia; Turkey will become an acceding Member.
- The 2006 "flat-rate" is 6000 € and Meteo-France will organize money transfers (excepted within LACE group).
- List of participants and group photo
- Welcome and opening of the meeting.
- Adoption of the draft agenda.
- Report of PAC Chairman.
- Minutes of the 1st PAC meeting, January 26, 2006
- Approval of Terms of Reference of PAC.
- Report of Programme Manager.
- Recall of the ALADIN past and present achievements and of the importance of the HIRLAM-ALADIN agreement:
- Scientific part :
- Operational part : Operational aspects achievements
- Political part : ALADIN political achievements
- ALADIN Strategy and Planning:
- Scientific, operational and political challenges (including the links with the current EUMETNET/Met-Office "Euro-NWP-Vision" initiative and with EURRA);
- Long term strategy and planning : Establishment of a task-force for the redaction of the strategic long-term part of the ALADIN plan
- Working schedules (annual time-table, including links with HIRLAM and ECMWF) and practices (challenges <=> resources) for the new ALADIN governance. Proposals for initiating the process during the first year.
- Signing of the final version of the 3rd ALADIN MoU (the one including the HIRLAM-ALADIN agreement as Annex).
- Resource Matters:
- Manpower issues;
- Towards more transversal work on "support to operations" aspects?
- The role of the Local Team Managers;
- The need and use of "mobility" within the Programme : Some data about mobility in ALADIN and a few associated comments
- Budgetary issues;
- Review of the Members’ intentions for Voluntary Contributions and In-kind contributions : Estimation of total budget contributions
- Flat rate value for 2006;
- Management of contributions.
- Membership and cooperation matters;
- Request for joining ALADIN from FYROM (follow-on of the process initiated in the Bratislava Assembly) : presentation of the Director of HydroMeteorological Service of the Republic of Macedonia
- Request for joining ALADIN from Turkey : presentation of the Head of NWP Division of the Turkish State Meteorological Service
- Cooperation with Moldavia.
- Legal and financial matters.
- Royalties;
- Licences.
- Manpower issues;
- ALADIN programme plan for 2006/2007.
- . A.O.B.
- Date and place of the next General Assembly (or of the next two General Assemblies).
- Closing of the meeting.