Besides the papers in NWP specialised international journals with a reviewing commitee, two historical papers present ALADIN :
- 1995 : Radnoti G., R. Ajjaji, R. Bubnova, M. Caian, E. Cordoneanu, K. Von Der Emde, J.D. Gril, J. Hoffman, A. Horanyi, S. Issara, V. Ivanovici, M. Janousek, A. Joly, P. Le Moigne, S. Malardel: The spectral limited area model ARPEGE/ALADIN. PWPR Report Series n°7, WMO-TD n° 699, pp. 111-117.
- 1997: The ALADIN project : Mesoscale modelling seen as a basic tool for weather forecasting and atmospheric research. WMO Bulletin, Volume 46, No4, October 1997, pp. 317-324