High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
News 38 : 1st semester 2010
Article published on 16 November 2010
last modification on 31 December 2010

by Patricia

Taking into account the continuous decrease of contributions over the last years, a reshaping
of the format of the newsletter is proposed.
The core idea is to move towards an e-zine format,
allowing much more freedom about the content of individual articles (targeting either operations, or
R&D activities, nationally or transversally to the Programme).
The "operations" and "R&D" sections, which proved to be fairly difficult to fill in, in recent
past, would be replaced by a single section of "operational and R&D activities in the Programme".

This Section would contain any of the above-mentioned contributions, based on a more "on-offer"
logic (as opposed to an "on-demand" approach as in the past).
Teams willing to promote their work will therefore be able to continue to contribute with
status notes about the evolution of their applications and/or short scientific notes - which sometimes
could be understood as preparatory notes to a peer-reviewed paper.

The status about cycles and Arpège operations, as well as the Foreword text, would remain,
when relevant.

The Sections about "papers" and "PHD studies" will remain; the "papers" section will
specifically focus on advertising accepted papers; the "PHD" section will remain focused on ongoing
PHD work at any partner institute.

The Support Team will continue to regularly advertise partners to contribute to the ALADIN
e-zine. However, each release will be closed at a given date, and its content at that date will
constitute the corresponding version

C. Fischer & The Support Team

National operational and R&D activitiesStatus about cycles and ARPEGE operations
Operational in Slovakia About cycles
Operational in Slovenia Scores in Meteo-France
R&D in Slovakia
Scientific and technical notesPhD studies
Use of heterogeneous background error covariance
matrices at mesoscale

by Thibaut Montmerle and Loïk Berre
Contributions to the study of the coupling problem between limited area models and large scale models, PhD Raluca Radu
Application of Chapeau/Aladin in operational classroom by
N. Žagar, R. Žabkar1, M. Horvat and N. Pristov2
PublicationsEvents and announcements
Papers in NWP specialised international journals with a reviewing commitee 7th PAC meeting, Budapest, 30 Nov
2010 stay reports 15th General Assembly, Prague, 14-15 Dec
Documentation 21st ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2011, 5-8 April 2011, Norrkoping

Montmerle_Berre 124.7 KiB / PDF



PhD_RADU 3.5 MiB / PDF