High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 20th General Assembly, 9-10 February 2016, Budapest
Article published on 21 January 2016
last modification on 7 December 2017

by Patricia

The NMS of Hungary hosted the 20th regular General Assembly in Budapest, on 9-10 February 2016. The 20th GA meeting, originally planned in Algiers on November 24-25 2015 had to be rescheduled due to international events. The 5th ALADIN MoU was signed during this GA.

 Draft Minutes of the 20th assembly

 Participants of the 20th assembly

5th ALADIN MoU signing and participants of the 20th ALADIN General Assembly
Signature of the 5th ALADIN MoU
20th General Assembly
CSSI chair, PM, GA chair, PAC chair

 Agenda with on-line presentations

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the draft agenda

3. Approval of the minutes of the 19th GA

4. Report from the 12th PAC meeting, the 3rd joint HAC/PAC meeting and the Toulouse extraordinary PAC meeting

5. Reports and plans:

6. MoU5 & ALADIN-HIRLAM agreement :

Invited presentation from the host (presented at the end of the first day): ALADIN/AROME at OMSZ

7. MoU5 signing

8. Budget issues and manpower (+issues in the NMSs)

  • Manpower figures
  • Execution of the ongoing budget
  • Adoption of the 2016 budget
  • Royalty-linked issues

9. Governance issues

  • New membership (if any)
  • Election of new GA chair and vice-chair
  • Election of new PAC chair and vice chair
  • Procedure for CA appointment
  • PAC composition
  • CSSI chair

10. Date and place of the next General Assembly

11. A.O.B.

12. Closing

Draft minutes of the 20th GA 243.6 KiB / PDF

Elements for discussion on MoU5 and ALADIN-HIRLAM agreement 6.3 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM status 49.2 KiB / PDF

Latest developments and plans at MF 812.8 KiB / PDF

Scalability and new IFDS cycle 3 MiB / PDF

Tour d’ALADIN 5.7 MiB / PDF