High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 25th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2015, 13-17/04/2015, Helsingor, Denmark
Article published on 2 January 2015
last modification on 26 May 2016

by Patricia

The Danish NMS hosted in Helsingor (Dk) the joint 25th ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM 2015 ASM and the besides meetings : Wk and ASM on 13-16 April 2015, LTM meeting on 15 April (from 15:40). The HMG-CSSI meeting took place at DMI premises in Copenhagen on 17 April 2015 (from 09:00).

 Agenda & participants

 On-line presentations

 On-line posters

 A few photos

 Practical information and hotel registration forms on the local organiser webpage

 Registration to the meeting and proposals for presentations and posters

 List of participants

  Real time stream broadcasting of the ongoing ASW from Helsingor. Please try it and report problem to Xiaohua : .

ALADIN status overview 876.4 KiB / PDF

ALARO status overview with emphasis on ACRANEB2 radiation scheme 1.2 MiB / PDF

ALARO-1: first operational implementation 3.2 MiB / PDF

Application of EPS in Civil Protection: PROFORCE 3.9 MiB / PDF

Assimilation of GNSS and radar data in ALARO cy38t1 at RMIB 1.1 MiB / PDF

Assimilation of OPERA radar data in HARMONIE: A new preprocessing and data reduction 1.1 MiB / PDF

Calibrated probabilistic forecasts from GLAMEPS 8.2 MiB / PDF

Can the compiler make the difference ? 154.7 KiB / PDF

Deep convection and downdraught in Alaro-1 2.2 MiB / PDF

Description of the OCND2-option in the ICE3 cloud- and stratiform condensation scheme in AROME 1.3 MiB / PDF

Developments in Glameps and HarmonEPS 6.8 MiB / PDF

Evaluation of stochastic cellular automata deep convection parameterization in HarmonEPS 1.1 MiB / PDF

Experiences with Harmonie 4DVAR 7 MiB / PDF

Finite Element Operators in the Vertical 1.6 MiB / PDF

GABLS4 an intercomparison case to study the PBL at DomeC 5.2 MiB / PDF

GLAMEPS: where do the added values come from? 9.1 MiB / PDF

Harmonie system status 767.2 KiB / PDF

HARMONIE version 36/38 experiences/verification 2014/2015 4.5 MiB / PDF

Harmonie-climate 61.3 KiB / PDF

Hirlam highlights and challenges 598.3 KiB / PDF

Implementation of SLAF in HarmonEPS 3.2 MiB / PDF

Implementation of the Field Alignment Algorithm for Radar DA in HARMONIE v38. First tests in a quasioperational setting 460.1 KiB / PDF

Investigation of the sensibility of snow and energy-flux conditions to surface and vegetation parameters for a forest site using the Multi-Energy Balance option in SURFEX 1.8 MiB / PDF

Is there a need for local horizontal discretizations? 574.6 KiB / PDF

KNMI parameterization testbed as a validation tool; status and plans 3.1 MiB / PDF

LACE - news in dynamics 2.1 MiB / PDF

LAM-EPS activities in LACE 7.2 MiB / PDF

MetCoOp - One year with operational experiences 1 MiB / PDF

Modification of EDKF parametrization in the grey zone 1.2 MiB / PDF

Neighbourhood methods for precipitation forecasts from high resolution EPS 1.4 MiB / PDF

Neighbourhood processing of AROME ensemble prediction 5.3 MiB / PDF

Ongoing R&D activities in dynamics at Meteo-France 2 MiB / PDF


Operational version of turbulence scheme TOUCANS 1.5 MiB / PDF

Parameterization of orographic effects on surface radiation in AROME 6.9 MiB / PDF

POSTER : Aerosols in HARMONIE Radiative Effects and further Perspectives 1.7 MiB / PDF

POSTER : Assimilating Potential Vorticity Pseudo-observations derived from Total Ozone data to internally control the model upper level dynamics 575.6 KiB / PDF

POSTER : NWP at the Hungarian Meteorological Service 2.6 MiB / PDF

POSTER : Operational NWP Systems in AEMET 2.4 MiB / PDF

POSTER : The Harmonie radar data assimilation experiments in DMI 8.2 MiB / PDF

POSTER : The NWP activities at CHMI 559.3 KiB / PDF

POSTER : Verification of Low Clouds using a spatial verification method 4.1 MiB / PDF

POSTER: ALADIN - Portuguese Technical and Scientific Activities 1.5 MiB / PDF

POSTER: A new Solver for the NH Semi-implicit Scheme in HARMONIE using Green Functions 107.9 KiB / PDF

POSTER: Aladin activities in Romania 1.6 MiB / PDF

POSTER: ALADIN in Slovenia - 2015 2.6 MiB / PDF

POSTER: ALADIN-related activities@SHMU 2.9 MiB / PDF

POSTER: Belgium National Poster 2.1 MiB / PDF

POSTER: Coupling SURFEX_V7.2 to ALARO-1 baseline version (CY38T1OP3) 2.9 MiB / PDF

POSTER: From mixed phase stratocumulus to shallow convection: current developments and evaluation against ground-based remote sensors 830.9 KiB / PDF

POSTER: GLAMEPS real-time production system 1.1 MiB / PDF

POSTER: National Poster Austria 590.7 KiB / PDF

POSTER: National Poster Morocco 2 MiB / PDF

POSTER: National poster Poland 4.1 MiB / PDF

POSTER: NWP activities in Bulgaria 425.8 KiB / PDF

POSTER: NWP activities in Croatia 10.2 MiB / PDF

POSTER: NWP activities in Tunisia 1.1 MiB / PDF

POSTER: NWP Related Activities in Turkey 1.7 MiB / PDF

POSTER: Solar resource forecasting and variability, an update on IEA SHC Task 46 635.3 KiB / PDF

POSTER: Status of lake and sea ice developments in HARMONIE 973.8 KiB / PDF

POSTER: The NWP system ar Meteo-France 8.1 MiB / PDF

POSTER: The impact of increased horizontal resolution of ALADIN NWP model on reproduction of wind regimes in the complex terrain 484.9 KiB / PDF

POSTER: Wind speed ensemble predictions with analog-based method in complex terrain 505.9 KiB / PDF

Progress and plans in Arpege 4D-Var and Arome 3D-Var methods 1.3 MiB / PDF

Progress and plans in the ARPEGE and AROME models physics 7.7 MiB / PDF

Progress and plans with observations in MF DA suites 3.2 MiB / PDF

Radiation in HARMONIE 998.2 KiB / PDF

Research developments at ECMWF of relevance to HARMONIE 6.1 MiB / PDF

RUC, HRW, Mode-S, OPLACE, etc - LACE’s DA systems 4.6 MiB / PDF

Should we use ECMWF-EPS initial and boundary condition perturbations for HarmonEPS ? 628.7 KiB / PDF

Some results of LETKF with HARMONIE over Spain 1.8 MiB / PDF

Status of dynamics in HARMONIE 207.2 KiB / PDF

Status of the EUMETNET C-SRNWP project 718.5 KiB / PDF

The benefits and costs of coarse-grained multithreading as implemented in Harmonie 1.8 MiB / PDF

Towards AROME rapid update cycle: Usage of satellite and radar data in Austria 1006 KiB / PDF

Towards the coalescence of DA and EPS : Creating equally likely IC/members 484.1 KiB / PDF

Uncertainties estimation in background and surface analysis under UERRA project 1.7 MiB / PDF

Uncertainty about uncertainty 6.1 MiB / PDF

Variational bias correction of GNSS ZTD in the HARMONIE modeling system 1.4 MiB / PDF

WG system : minutes of the discussion 54.2 KiB / PDF

Working group on clouds and testbed 122 KiB / PDF