High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 30th ALADIN Workshop and HIRLAM ASM 2020, 30/03-03/04/2020, visio-conference
Article published on 25 March 2020
last modification on 27 October 2022

by Patricia

The in-situ meeting is cancelled (the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) should have hosted the joint 30th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM ASM 2020 in Ljubljana, from March 30 to April 4 2020 at Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana and on Friday morning at Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO).

The meetings was organised by videoconference and the agenda has been adapted to the video-conference format. All times are given in CEST (UTC+2).

  • ALADIN LTM meeting on Tuesday 31 at 11:00
  • Posters introduction session on Tuesday 31 at 16:00
  • Thursday 2 April afternoon and Friday 3 April until 15:30 : HMG-CSSI meeting
  • the sessions were recorded : you can watch or download the videos by speakers (the links are in the Agenda below)
  • consult the chat discussions during the sessions and side-meetings

 List of registered Participants : list updated on 7 April 2020

 Agenda : version adapted for the visio-conference meeting, on 30 March 2020

 Posters : introduction to posters on March 31 at 15:50

Adaption to the video-conference format

  • Monday 30 March at 08:30 to Thursday 2 April 12:00 : joint ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM ASM
    • verification and system side-meetings are postponed to dedicated visio-meetings after the Wk/ASM
    • HARMONIE-climate side-meeting will take place on Thursday afternoon as planned, with a dedicated visio-conference between the members of the team. Please contact Danijel to attend it.
    • surface side-meeting will take place after the surface session on Monday afternoon : Patrick proposes to use the surface side meeting time slot for additional presentations that were not submitted earlier to the plenary program (please contact Patrick to propose any presentation)
    • fog side-meeting : the meeting remains on Wednesday afternoon at 14:30 : Yann and Sander have already planned to give 2 presentations at the beginning of the fog side-meeting. Please contact them if you’d like to give additional short presentations.
    • posters (pdf) can be sent to me and will be uploaded on the webpage : please make sure that you indicate your email contact on the poster, so interested colleagues can contact you in case of questions.
    • Presentations : the pdf of your presentation will be added to the webpage as soon as IPatricia receives them (in any case, before the beginning of the WK/ASM). The presentations will be recorded and put on-line.
  • REGISTRATION : Monday 30 at 08:30 CEST (UTC+2), meeting begins at 09:00
    • Make sure that you are registered on the shared WK2020 document
    • You are welcome to use your camera, microphone and the chat as long as the session doesn’t start but at the beginning of the session, all microphones and cameras are switched off and the chat is to be used to ask questions to the speaker through the chair who will take care of the chat
    • Switch off all cameras and microphones
    • The chair opens his camera and microphone
    • The chair invites the speakers of the session to open their camera and microphone
    • Group photo of the speakers and chair
    • All speakers switch off their camera and microphone
      • The first speaker takes the floor
      • opens his camera and microphone, and after a few words
      • the recording begins (you hear the announcement)
      • the speaker and the chair switch off their camera when the presentation is shared on the screen by the speaker (or Patricia)
      • at the end of the presentation, the speaker and the chair switch on their camera and the chair takes care of the questions asked by the participants in the chat
      • the recording stops
    • The chair invites the next speaker to take the floor

To test the videoconference tool and your equipement (pc, phone, tablet) : (speak to Jean ... who will "answer" with his nice little voice)
The information (internet link or meeting room ID) has been distributed to the ALADIN and HIRLAM mailing.

Please register before February 15th, 2020

The local organisers have prepared a nice information pack with proposals for accommodation, information on the venue, on transport and many other useful information : to be download here.

20200401_tijm_fog.pdf 2.9 MiB / PDF

20200401_tijm_fog_discussion.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

2020aladin_daskit_presentation.pdf 3.3 MiB / PDF

2020_04_ahw_online_eps_mbell.pdf 12.1 MiB / PDF

aemetgsreps_in_operations_asm2020.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

ah_20200330_snow_mariken.pdf 2.5 MiB / PDF

aladin-hirlam_ljubljana_physiography_ireland_bessardon.pdf 4.2 MiB / PDF

aladin_status_piet-2.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

asm-2020-quality-assurance-in-hirlam-c-2020-03-23.pdf 1.6 MiB / PDF

asm2020-aemet_janasanchez-arriola.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

asm2020-batrak-sice-drift.pdf 7.4 MiB / PDF

asm2020stappers.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

asm2020_ljubljana_daniel_martin_v2.pdf 3.1 MiB / PDF

asm2020_viana_final_1_.pdf 5.6 MiB / PDF

asm_2020_wimderooy.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

asm_2020_ys_court.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

asm_jo_20200330.pdf 810.8 KiB / PDF

aws_2020_nat_post_croatia.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

birman_asm_v2_2020.pdf 10.4 MiB / PDF

c-laef_ljubljana.pdf 5.3 MiB / PDF

chat-sessions.pdf 69.3 KiB / PDF

closing-session.pdf 476.1 KiB / PDF

crouwd-source_data_at_met.pdf 10.5 MiB / PDF

da_lace_bstrajnar.pdf 2.7 MiB / PDF

dhmz_earthquake.pdf 8 MiB / PDF

exploitation_of_mode-s_data_at_shmu_catlosova_aladin_workshop_2020.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

forecasting_wet_snow_simon.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

hclim_2020_danijel.pdf 12.2 MiB / PDF

hclim_plans_asm_2020_ulft.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

hirlam_surface_patrick_20200330.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

hirlam_system_past_present_and_future.pdf 25.3 MiB / PDF

hirlam_ua_da_rr_2020.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

imrisekstdposter2020.pdf 413.3 KiB / PDF

lace_phy_ahws2020.pdf 7.5 MiB / PDF

landgren_hirlam-asm_2020-04-01_impacts_on_norwegian_coastal_precipitation_by_aerosol_forcing.pdf 5.4 MiB / PDF

mary_code_validation.pdf 349.4 KiB / PDF

meteireannoperationalnwp.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

nielsen_2020-03-30_aladin-hirlam_asm_radiation_reference_computations.pdf 2.6 MiB / PDF

nielsen_aladin-hirlam_asm_20200330_turbulent_surface_fluxes.pdf 486.2 KiB / PDF

omsz_poster_aladin_2020.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

owa_arome.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

porting_arome_on_amd.pdf 861 KiB / PDF

poster-2.pdf 252.4 KiB / PDF

poster-france-wk2020-web.pdf 6.6 MiB / PDF

poster_1_.pdf 14 MiB / PDF

poster_iceuq_asm2020b.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

poster_poland.pdf 4.4 MiB / PDF

presentationaladinws2020_geert_smet.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

progressda_atmf_claude.pdf 527.2 KiB / PDF

rb_talk_physics.pdf 2.7 MiB / PDF

rontu_asw20.pdf 6.2 MiB / PDF

rontu_barrels_cphv3short.pdf 5.3 MiB / PDF

sapp_poster_asm_2020.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

sofog3d_and_hectometric_forecast.pdf 4.1 MiB / PDF

some_news_about_harp_2020.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

spdy_asm2020.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

systemsession_cycles_claude.pdf 119.3 KiB / PDF

szintai_c-srnwp_aladin-ws_2020_final.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

wk2020-participants.pdf 78.9 KiB / PDF

ws-online-2020-lacedyn-ver2.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

Agenda of the visio-meeting 141.5 KiB / PDF

Draft agenda 118.4 KiB / PDF

Information Pack 343 KiB / PDF

Registered participants 41.5 KiB / PDF

registration form for Austria Trend Hotel 62.4 KiB / PDF