The 16th ALADIN General Assembly took place in Météo-France Toulouse, on November 15-16, 2011. This was the first General Assembly for Piet Termonia as the new ALADIN Programme Manager, after just one year under the MoU4 governance.
- Draft Minutes of the 16th assembly
- Participants of the 16th assembly
Agenda with on-line presentations
1. Opening and welcome
2. Adoption of the draft agenda and approval of the minutes of the 15th GA (GA Chair)
3. Program Manager’s intersession report (PM)
4. Report from the PAC meeting (GA Chair)
5. Reports:
- highlights and plans (PM)
- LACE report (LACE PM)
6. Scientific and technical issues (CSSI Chair)
- operational report
- maintenance report
- c. SRNWP programmes (+ role of ALADIN in coordination)
7. Strategy (outcome of the strategy workshop)
Invited presentation by the host : Assimilation of radar data in AROME and in Europe : Review and prospects, presented by Florence Rabier
8. Work plan 2012 : manpower, priorities, task force for verification
9. Budget issues and manpower (+issues in the NMSs)
- Man power figures and reporting procedure (Patricia Pottier)
- Allocation of resources for achieving the strategic goals (PM)
- Report of the execution of the ongoing budget (PM and GA Chair)
- Adoption of the 2012 budget (PM and GA Chair)
- Royalty-linked issues (PM)
- cooperation with HIRLAM: presentation of HIRLAM-ALADIN governance (PM and HIRLAM PM)
- election of GA chair and vice-chair
- CSSI composition and ACNA position (PM)
- new membership
11. Date and place of the next assembly
12. Closure