25 June 2020: incremental update
In close coordination with the team at SHMU and LACE ASCS, we have been defining an incremental update of the ALADIN export version based on CY43T2. The GIT label of this update is CY43T2_bf.11.
The export consists of the changed source code files complemented by a technical description of the code changes.
Please read the tech doc carefully. The file "FINAL LIST BF11_v02" contains the technical description of the update branch.
The file "cy32t2_bf_v11" contains the location of the tar-ball and executables prepared by GCO.
27 February 2019: incremental update
An incremental update of the source code for the CY43T2 Aladin export version is now available. This version has been tested against the usual "mitraillette" tests and contains a set of fixes from various contributors collected by Olda Spaniel.
A full external source code pack is available on hendrix: martinezs/pub/src/arp/cy43/cy43t2_bf.10.src.tgz
This note presents the technical documentation of the changes and the installation by GCO.
10 September 2018 : rebuilt
A set of missing code changes has been spotted early September inside the source code packages provided on "Hendrix" for the CY43T2 export code package (see below).
The export source code package therefore has been totally rebuilt, and overwrites the previous version on "hendrix" as of 11.09.2018 (/home/martinezs/pub/export/cy43t2_bf.01/src).
Partners are definitely advised to reinstall the complete package on their local HPC, and then resume testing. All other information below remains valid.
19-July-2018 : v1
The export version of CY43T2, labelled as source code version CY43T2_bf.09 in MF’s GIT SCR, was delivered on July 19, 2018.
Technical elements, results of Arome-France and additional information (technical, Gmkpack, known differences of behavior of specific configurations etc.) are summarized in the companion note.
Attached are also :
- ARPEGE MEMORANDUM : Bugfixes on cycle CY43T2 (up to version n°09)
- source code version CY43T2_bf.09
- commented namelists for ALARO-1
For any question about installation or feedback about results of local implementation, please use the following contacts:
- at MF, Claude Fischer and Alexandre Mary;
- for Aladin coordination, Maria Derkova.
Specific technical questions also can be sent on the alabobo2 mailing list.