High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 28th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2018, 16-20/04/2018, Toulouse, France
Article published on 15 April 2018
last modification on 13 June 2019

by Patricia

The joint 28th ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM ASM 2018 will be held on the premises of Météo-France in Toulouse during the third week of April 2018.

  • 16 April 2018, 08:30-20:00 : opening session, DA session, Posters session and LTM meeting, icebreaker
  • 17 April 2018, 08:30-19:00 : Physics and Dynamics sessions, Surface WG, Climate WG
  • 18 April 2018 08:30-22:00 : Verification and Surface sessions, visit and official dinner
  • 19 April 2018 08:30-22:00 : EPS and System sessions, System WG; HARP WG,
  • 19 April 2018 20:00 : Public conference by Laure Raynaud (pdf of the presentation, video of the presentation), in French, title: "Vers une prévision des incertitudes en météorologie" [1]).
  • 20 April 2018 : HMG/CSSI meeting (08:30 - 17:30), for HMG/CSSI members only.

It was possible to remotely attend the Sessions using a dedicated WebEx conference. The sessions were also recorded and the videos are available (see below links in the agenda).

This joint Wk/ASM obtained the label "EuroScience Open Forum 2018 - TOULOUSE, EUROPEAN CITY OF SCIENCE".

28th Wk&ASM 2018 : participants
28th Wk&ASM 2018 : PMs at the closing session
28th Wk&ASM 2018 : speakers

 Agenda with link to the presentations (videos and pdf files)


 Registration and participants

 About ESOF Toulouse 2018

The biennial European event, EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) will take place in Toulouse, "European City of Science" from 9 to 14 July 2018. "Sharing science: towards new horizons" will be the motto of this ESOF 2018 edition, a 6-in-1 event including various sections “Science†, “Science policy†, “Science to Business†, “Careers†and “Media & Science Communication†and a “Science in the City†programme dedicated to the general public. A series of themes covering all fields of science and their relations with society are covered by this multidisciplinary event through conferences, exhibitions and satellite events.

20180417_fm_tijm.pdf 20.6 MiB / PDF

20180418_allstaff_posteraemet.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

20180419_eda_aladinhirlam_vf.pdf 8.3 MiB / PDF

2018_04_ahw_toulouse_eps_mbell.pdf 3.5 MiB / PDF

2018_asm_final_v2.pdf 433.5 KiB / PDF

28aws_hasm_kovacic_stanesic.pdf 3.6 MiB / PDF

aemet_gsreps_toulouse_0418.pdf 11.3 MiB / PDF

ahws2018.pdf 5.7 MiB / PDF

aladin-hirlam2018_spectral-wind-wind_shear_final.pdf 5.1 MiB / PDF

aladin_hirlam_talkfv.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

aladin_piet-5.pdf 836.2 KiB / PDF

ala_tr_2018.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

amateurobservationsinanoperationalnowcastingandnwpframework.pdf 2.4 MiB / PDF

asm2018-quality-assurance-in-hirlam-c-180416.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

asm2018_choulga.pdf 14.6 MiB / PDF

asm2018_daeps.pdf 6.2 MiB / PDF

asm2018_kourzeneva_samuelsson.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

asm2018_stappers.pdf 468.5 KiB / PDF

asm2018_valkonengrote.pdf 4.2 MiB / PDF

asm_20180318_bouyssel_v1.pdf 4.9 MiB / PDF

asm_20180416_sthrr_dynemisv4.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

asm_2018_ys_v2.pdf 12.2 MiB / PDF

asm_jo_20180416.pdf 926.5 KiB / PDF

belusic_lbc_effects.pdf 10 MiB / PDF

birman_asm_20180418.pdf 7.3 MiB / PDF

cyclesoops_claude_v1_2_.pdf 206.5 KiB / PDF

daand_toulouse.pdf 888.1 KiB / PDF

ebazile_gabls4_asm2018.pdf 11.1 MiB / PDF

ecosg_0904.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

engdahl_asm2018.pdf 11.7 MiB / PDF

feddersen_poster_asm2018.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

frogner_asm2018.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

garciamoya-opera_validation_ok.pdf 4.1 MiB / PDF

gleesonetal_asm2018_radiation.pdf 2.6 MiB / PDF

harmonie-arome_system_progress_and_evolution.pdf 10.5 MiB / PDF

harpv3.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

harp_status_toulouse_2018.pdf 287.1 KiB / PDF

hernandez_asm_2018.pdf 870.7 KiB / PDF

hirlam_surface_patrick_180418.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

hirlam_ua_da_rr_2018.pdf 6.6 MiB / PDF

ipma_knmi_scatterometer_da_harmonie_allstaff.pdf 4.4 MiB / PDF

laurerayaudesof2018.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

lbc_oper.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

lemoigne_asm_tls.pdf 11.8 MiB / PDF

lgerard-4.pdf 6.9 MiB / PDF

mahfouf-asm-aladin-hirlam2018_v2.pdf 6.2 MiB / PDF

martin-perez_asm2018_toulouse.pdf 3.6 MiB / PDF

meps_poster_asw_201804.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

meteireannhighresasm2018.pdf 3.7 MiB / PDF

minutes_wgsystem_toulouse.pdf 92.8 KiB / PDF

nielsen_snow_albedos_20180417.pdf 20 MiB / PDF

omsz_poster_ah_ws_2018_final.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

phillip.scheffknecht_assimilation-mode-s-final.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

poster-belgium-2018toulouse.pdf 3.2 MiB / PDF

poster-france-wk2018.pdf 8.3 MiB / PDF

poster-wk-2018_poland.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

posteraws2018.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

posterimrinsek.pdf 506.7 KiB / PDF

poster_2018_romania.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

poster_ahw2018_v3.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

poster_aladinsi_2018.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

poster_mescan_wk_aladin2018.pdf 4.3 MiB / PDF

poster_morocco_gps.pdf 597 KiB / PDF

poster_morocco_national.pdf 475.9 KiB / PDF

poster_shmu4ahw_2018.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF

poster_toulouse_alertness_roohollahazad.pdf 783 KiB / PDF

prescgg.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

presentation_si_nhee_avril2018.pdf 623 KiB / PDF

rek-oo_fpos.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

rontu_asw18.pdf 24.3 MiB / PDF

santosatienza_ines.pdf 985.5 KiB / PDF

saphir_toulouse.pdf 9.4 MiB / PDF

simulationsofboundarylayerlandseasurface.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

strajnar_modes_ehs.pdf 2.5 MiB / PDF

szintai_c-srnwp_status_aladin-ws_2018.pdf 717.3 KiB / PDF

table_contingency.pdf 566.8 KiB / PDF

talk_np_rb_tuesday.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

tmontmerle_envar_arome.pdf 5 MiB / PDF

wafa_khalfaoui_presentation.pdf 2.9 MiB / PDF

whelanetal_asm2018_poster.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

ws-toulouse-lacedyn.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

xiaohuayang_carra_reanalysis_system.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

WK2018 : agenda 119.4 KiB / PDF

WK2018 : participants 36.8 KiB / PDF