High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Direct link to useful documents within aladin webpages
Article published on 20 April 2010
last modification on 11 January 2011

by Patricia

The best of the ALADIN governance under MoU3

On the ALADIN web, you may find information about :

  • Current governance
  • History of the governance : 1991-2005
    • 1991 - 1995 : gestation
    • 1996 - 2001 : decentralization and formalization through the 1st MoU
    • 2001 - 2005 : 2nd MoU with enlarged definition of the ALADIN partnership, guidelines for the commercial use, creation of a Technical Cooperation Standing Committee
    • End of 2005 : the 3rd MoU defines the current organisation
  • First MoU : 1996 & 1998 versions
  • Second MoU : 2001
  • Third MoU : 2005 & 2006 & 2008 versions

All these documents are public under some ALADIN web directories or pages :

Or you may download the joint compressed file that contains the following documents :

  • summary.pdf : a summary of the governance/MoU ...
  • ConsortiaSRNWP.jpg : map of the European consortia
  • partners_map.jpg : map of ALADIN partners
  • matrixBIG.jpg : ALADIN matrix
  • governance-map.pdf : AG, PAC, PM, CSSI, etc ... : ALADIN governance map
  • ltm-term_reference.pdf : ToR of LTMs
  • pac-term_reference.pdf : ToR ofPAC
  • MoU1-1996.pdf
  • MoU1-1998.pdf
  • MoU2-2001.pdf
  • MoU3-2005.pdf
  • MoU3-2006.pdf
  • MoU3-2008.pdf
  • ECMWF-agreement.pdf : (annex of MoU 2 et 3)