Regular 11th General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Budapest, 09-10 November 2006
Agenda, list of Participants and Full Minutes
- Welcome and opening of the meeting.
- Adoption of the draft agenda and of the Minutes of the Brussels Extraordinary GA.
- Report of PAC Chairman (the PAC 2nd Session took place in Lisbon, 21-22/9/06).
- Report of Programme Manager.
- ALADIN Strategy:
- Context as analysed by PAC;
- First steps of the task force’s work.
- ALADIN Planning Context:
- Organisational matters:
- Terms of Reference of CSSI;
- Composition of CSSI;
- Terms of Reference of LTMs;
- Report about the 1st LTM meeting (Bratislava 23-24/10/06).
- Report about RC LACE status and activities;
- HARMONIE (i.e. common work with HIRLAM);
- Evolution of the SRNWP (EUMETNET ‘vision’) context;
- Objectives and Priorities for 2007;
- Working practices and links between various bodies.
- Organisational matters:
- Presentation of the work plan for 2007, as it shall stand after the LTM meeting.
- Work plan itself;
- Manpower implications;
- Global financial implications.
- From work plan to task allocation.
- ‘Classical matters’ for the past year:
- Operational report;
- Maintenance report;
- Manpower figures for 7-05 to 6-06.
- Membership and cooperation matters:
- Monitoring the cases treated at the extraordinary General Assembly;
- If appropriate, new cases.
- Resource matters
- Manpower requirements and allocation:
- Synthesis of Items 7b, 8 and 9c;
- If appropriate, statements by Members (the traditional ‘commitments round table’ item disappears in the new situation).
- Budget matters:
- Monitoring of the 2006 budget execution, money stream and financed actions;
- Proposals for additional mechanisms for transfer and management of contributions in 2007;
- Matters regarding Royalties.
- Manpower requirements and allocation:
- Final check on the ALADIN Programme strategy and 2007 planning issues.
- A.O.B.
- Date and place of the next General Assembly (or of the next two General Assemblies).
- Closing of the meeting.