High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Article published on 1 October 2020
last modification on 2 October 2020

by Patricia

History (reverse order) of the ALADIN cycles

ALADIN cycle [1] with memorandum [2]available inMajor modifications introduced in the cyclebased on ARPEGE cyclePhasing team
AL48T1 1st stage Oct-Dec 2020, with finalization steps in Jan-Feb 2021 see the plans prepared for the 29th LTM meeting CY48T1 Bochenek, Spaniel : tentative remote phasing
AL48 Jan-April 2020 see the plans prepared for the 28th LTM meeting CY48 Ait Meziane, Sekula, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL47T1 Nov-Dec 2019 see the plans prepared for the 27th LTM meeting CY46T1 Ambar, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL47 August 2019 see the plans prepared for the 26th LTM meeting CY46T1 Douba, Lancz,Sekula, Spaniel
AL46T1 Feb 2019 see the plans prepared for the 25th LTM meeting CY46T1 Douba, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL46 April 2018 see the plans prepared for the 24th LTM meeting CY46 Ambar, Satouri, Spaniel
AL45T1 January 2018 see the plans prepared for the 23rd LTM meeting CY45 Douba, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL45 June 2017 see the plans prepared for the 22nd LTM meeting CY45 Khalfaoui
AL44 March 2017 see the plans prepared for the 21st LTM meeting CY44 Bochenek, Karadavut, Satouri, Sassi, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL43T2 June 2016 see the progress report prepared for the 21st LTM meeting CY43T2 -
AL43T1 June 2016 see the progress report prepared for the 20th LTM meeting CY43T1 Khalfaoui, Satouri, Spaniel, Tsenova, Moene
AL43 December 2015 OOPS changes in observation operator codes, removal of global variables and USE MODULEs for Geometry and Model variables CY43 Bucanek, Kemetmueller, Sassi, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL42 June 2015 OOPS cleaning of code in dynamics, pass Geometry Model fields by arguments using Fortran structures CY42 Bochenev, Bogatchev, Sassi, Spaniel,Tsenova
AL41T1 February 2015 MF’s CY40_op1, various code optimization (GMAP), ALARO-1 CY41T1 Bochenev, Brozkova, Khalfaoui, Smerkol, Spaniel, Moene
AL41 June 2014 code re-factoring items for OOPS in the NL, TL and AD models CY41 Bochenev, Bogatchev, Jidane, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL40T1 February 2014 Surfex v7.3; code cleaning and refactoring (LAM LBC); porting changes related to migration to MF Bull CY40T1 Jair, Sassi, Spaniel, Andersen
AL40 July 2013 last cycle in Clearcase; IFS cleaning physics; first part of the re-organisation of global variables and setup; ... CY40 Bochenek, Bogatchev, Jidane, Spaniel, Tsenova
AL39T1 March 2013 Surfex v7.2.1; almost completed Full-POS2; ... CY39T1 Bucanek, Sassi, Spaniel
AL39 November 2012 common with CY38R2+ ; second phase of code overhaul of obs operators CY39 Bogatchev, Jair, Jidane, Tsenova, Spaniel, Szucs
AL38T1 August 2012 Surfex 7.2 ; I/O server ; finalization of code for PCMT ; improvements of ALARO physics ; first steps of Full-POS overhaul CY38T1 Bochenek, Mile, Spaniel
AL38 October 2011 first elements of
IFS Fortran code cleaning in the OOPS spirit
CY38 Benacek, Bogatchev, Kocaman, Kolonko, Sassi, Spaniel
AL37T1 June 2011 Various code cleanings in the spirit of OOPS; upgrade of the Alaro physics (TOUCANS, CA);
Option to remove the E-zone in GP computations (Harmonie); code for handling scatterometer obs;
adaptation of configuration 901 to GRIB2
CY37T1 Bucanek, Jerczynski, Jidane, Mile, Spaniel, Szucs, Trojakova
AL37 September 2010 phasing with IFS CY36R4;Catch-up of some late E-suite changes in Arpège and Arome; Blending FA file optimization CY37 Bogatchev, Jidane, Spaniel
AL36T2 August 2010 finalization of the OI code for Surfex-based assimilation, various optimization (esp. for 4D-VAR and 3D-VAR),
significant upgrade of the Alaro turbulence scheme
CY36T2 Kanit, Kolonko, Spaniel
AL36T1 December 2009 Emissivity and surface temperature in control vector for assimilation of radiances over land; Surfex V5 in AROME CY36T1 Bergaoui, Dziedzic, Spaniel, Woyciechowska
AL36 June 2009 Phasing with IFS CY35R3 CY36 Bogatchev, Kolonko, Essaouini
AL35T2 January 2009 - CY35T2 -
AL35T1 November 2008 Scale selective DFI; various cleaning & optimisation features for vectorial platforms CY35T1 Dziedzic, Masek, Razagui, Spaniel
AL35 September 2008 Library reorganisation, RTTOV-9 CY35 -
AL34 August 2008 Phasing with IFS CY33R2 CY34 Bogatchev, Dziedzic, Jidane, Lelatko, Mladek
AL33T1 May 2008 AROME pre-operational physics version; implicit coupling surface/vertical diffusion for ALARO-0 CY33T1 Kral, Stanesic
AL33T0 February 2008 VarBC adaptations for Aladin CY33T0 -
AL33 December 2007 some fullpos optimization; phasing with IFS CY32R3 CY33 Benamara, Bogatchev, Csomos, Nmiri, Spaniel
AL32T3 October 2007 ALARO-0 physics update; radar data assimilation (radial wind screening, 1D-Bayesian inversion) CY32T3 -
AL32T2 July 2007 SL-AD ; preparation for IASI and other future ARPEGE developments CY32T2 Dziedzic, Jidane, Lelatko
AL32T1 April 2007 ALARO-0 physics CY32T1 El Ouaraini, Ivatek-Sahdan
AL32T0 January 2007 buxfixes for 3D-VAR CY32T0 -
AL32 December 2006 New surface data structure, ALARO0 physics CY32 Bogatchev, Boloni, El Ouaraini, Jurasek, Razagui
AL31T2 September 2006 SL-TL in ALADIN CY31T2 -
AL31T1 July 2006 HIRLAM physics, surfex in ALADIN CY31T1 Ivatek-Sahdan, Jerczynski, Trojakova
AL31 April 2006 Surfex under NPROMA loop, rewrinting of GFL attributes CY31 Bogatchev, Dziedzic, El Ouaraini, Hamdi, Jidane, Kovacic,Zaaboul
AL30T1) December 2005 NH cleaning CY30T1 Bouzouita, Cedilnik, Dziedzic, Pistotnik
AL30 July 2005 New GOM structure; Jb wavelet reactivated at ECMWF CY30 Bogatchev, Janousek, Jerczynski, Spaniel, Zaaboul
AL29T3 April 2005 Miscellaneous bugfixes CY29T2 "internal" phasing with only GMAP people
AL29T2 April 2005 AROME prototype; NH code reorganisation; Jk; rotated Mercator; 3TL PC CY29T2 Bouzouita, Dziedzic, Vivolda
AL29T1 February 2005 SLHD; radar tables; SEVIRI radiance assimilation CY29T1 Bogatchev, Bouzouita, Deckmyn, Ivateks-Sahdan, Soci, Spaniel, Trojakova, Vana
AL28T1 May 2004 Major development cycle CY28T1 Boloni, Dziedzic, Tudor
AL28T0 February 2004 Aladin runs on CY28 !!
Explicit interfaces
CY28T0 id.
AL28 Autumn 2003 new coding standards
Explicit interfaces
CY28 Bogatchev, Moussy, Radnoti, Sahlaoui, Tudor, Zaaboul
AL27 Autumn 2003 New data flow in the core of the model (GMV/GFL) CY27 id.
AL26T1 July 2003 New distributed-memory data layout for control variable
Incremental transform package
B-level and LSPLIT still bugged
New coupling data layout
Coupling call extracted from TAL
IFS features (cleaning NNMI)
Fullpos B-level
CY26T1 Bogatchev, Dziedzic, Soci, Spaniel, Termonia
AL25T1 (*) Autumn 2002 New NHS variables
work around P/C scheme
assimilation of raw radiances
new EGGX
adaptation to split CPG
CY25T1 Ahrens, Bogatchev, Boloni, Jerczynski, Masek, Moussy, Randriamampianina, Sahlaoui, Sbii, Smith, Smolikova, Vivoda
AL15 July 2001 External spectral transform package
Merget control routines with ARPEGE/IFS
ODB structure for data assimilation
"op2" physics (modified code, no reproducibility of CYCORA)
CY24T1 Da Costa, Gaytandjieva, Ivatek-Sahdan, Janousek, Radnoti, Szczech

  • post-phasing AL15 : Bogatchev, Deckmyn, Spiridonov
AL14 November 2000 New developments in Full-Pos
New data flow for non-hydrostatic
CY23T1 Brozkova, Gospodinov, Mladek, Randriamampianina, Szczech, Wang
AL13 July 2000 Predictor-Corrector skeleton
Consistent loop on TL/AD gridpoint computations
Snow analysis
CY22T2 Masek, Sadiki, Soci, Vivoda, Zagar, Zitouni
AL12 January 2000 Pruning
New developments in Full-Pos
New hydrostatic TL/AD
Cleaning in SL code
CY22 T1 Ajjaji, Bellus, Gaytandjieva, Gospodinov, Haddouch, Jerman, Radnoti
AL11 T2 September 1999 3D-Var
TL+AD in distributed memory
2D model.
CY21 T2
AL11 June 1999 Free-source format, implicit-none statement. CY21 T1 Neytchev, Sadiki, Zitouni
AL10 February 1999 Clean and fully validated cycle with correct treatment of the extension zone. CY20 id.
AL09 July 1998 Cleaning for distributed memory.
New solution for 2TL/SL instability.
CY19 T1 Gérard, Gospodinov, Neytchev, Siroka, Soci, Zitouni
AL08 T3 April 1998 Porting to VPP. CY18 T3
AL08 February 1998 ISBA,
true Fortran 90.
CY18 T1 Ajjaji, Boutahar, Dvorak, Madeira, Neytchev, Siroka, Soci
AL07 August 1997 Modifications necessary to run ALADIN on distributed memory.
Workstation version cleanly branched.
CY16 T1 Brozkova, Dvorak, El Abed, Horanyi, Janiskova, Radnoti, Siroka
AL06 April 1997 The "doomed" VALPARAISO cycle. CY15 T2 Boutahar, Brozkova, Dvorak, Gérard, Jerczynski, Radnoti
Autumn 1996 Boutahar, Brozkova, Issara, Radnoti
Spring 1996 Ajjaji, Dragulanescu, El Abed, Jerman, Radnoti
AL05 December 1995 Fortran 90. CY14 T3 Bogatchev, Dragulanescu, Zagar
AL04 September 1995 CLAC. CY13 R3 Brozkova, Cordoneanu, Horanyi, Ivanovici, Janousek, Radnoti
AL03 May 1994 CANARI.
First pre-operational cycle.
Compatibility between LBC and SI.
CY12 Ajjaji, Banciu, Brozkova, Horanyi, Issara, Ivanovici, Janousek, Radnoti, Von Der Emde
AL02 December 1993 Semi-Lagrangian. CY11 Brozkova, Cordoneanu
AL01 July 1993 Digital Filter Initialisation. CY10 Cordoneanu, Radnoti
AL00 October 1992 Allowing first full forecasting tests. CY9 Brozkova, Horanyi, Ivanovici

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for 27th LTM meeting, October 2019 198.7 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 20th LTM meeting, April 2016 93.7 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 21st LTM meeting, October 2016 243.2 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 22nd LTM meeting, April 2017 149.6 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 23rd LTM meeting, October 2017 165.6 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 24th LTM meeting, April 2018 210.8 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 25th LTM meeting, October 2018 190.7 KiB / PDF

Document Progress and Plans prepared by Claude for the 26th LTM meeting, April 2019 113.1 KiB / PDF