The first list of the 2020 visitors in Toulouse is given below. Please consult the offices table for phone number and office number of the 2020 visitors. NAMEFIRSTNAMECOUNTRYSTARTENDSubjectMENTOR THOMAS Guillaume FRANCE 01/10/17 30/09/20 DPOL Radar data assimilation MAFHOUF/ WATTRELOT (…)
Published on 10 January 2019
The list of the 2019 visitors in Toulouse is given below. Please consult the offices table for phone number and office number of the 2019 visitors. NAMEFIRSTNAMECOUNTRYSTARTENDSubjectMENTOR DURUISSEAU Fabrice FRANCE 04/05/15 28/02/19 SIMULATION ET ASSIMILATION DE DONNEES D’UN FUTUR SONDEUR (…)
Published on 12 December 2017
A first list of the 2018 visitors in Toulouse is given below. Please consult the offices table for phone number and office number of the 2018 visitors. NAMECOUNTRYSTARTENDSubjectMENTOR DURUISSEAU Fabrice FRANCE 04/05/15 28/02/19 SIMULATION ET ASSIMILATION DE DONNEES D’UN FUTUR SONDEUR (…)
A first list of the 2017 visitors in Toulouse is given below. Please consult the offices table for phone number and office number of the 2017 visitors. NAMECOUNTRYSTARTENDSubjectMENTOR Filipa VARINO-MARTINS PORTUGAL 01/04/14 31/10/17 Typologie des tempêtes du XXe siècle ARBOGAST Fabrice (…)
Published on 15 December 2015
The table below presents the list of Toulouse visitors for 2016 with the subject of their work, their mentor(s), the dates of their visit. Consult the offices table for phone number and office number of the 2016 visitors NAMECOUNTRYSTARTENDSubjectMENTOR HALLY ALAN IRELAND 12/01/15 30/09/16 (…)