High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 21st ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2011, 5-8 April 2011, Norrkoping, Sweden
Article published on 26 May 2011
last modification on 22 May 2012

by Patricia

The SMHI hosted the 21st ALADIN workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting 2011, in Norrkoping, Sweden, from Tuesday 5 April to Friday 8 April, 2011.
As usual, an HMG/CSSI meeting also took place on Monday 4 April and on Friday 8 April, in the afternoon.

  • For Local Team managers (or their substitutes) and CSSI members :

On-line presentations of the workshop


A few photos


Agenda_LTM_meeting_ 71.7 KiB / PDF

Andrae : Annual review of operational HIRLAM forecasts and status of the Reference System 2.2 MiB / PDF

Auger : Recent research on data assimilation at Météo-France 4.8 MiB / PDF

Bazile : MUSC : the 1D model for the HAAA Galaxy ? 1.1 MiB / PDF

Bengtsson: An approach to deep convection organization using cellular automata 1.3 MiB / PDF

Bojarova: The hybrid ensemble variational data assimilation system in HIRLAM 4.5 MiB / PDF

Boloni : Comparison of the Ensemble Transform and the Ensemble Analysis Techniques for background error simulation 859.2 KiB / PDF

Bouyssel : Recent evolutions in ARPEGE and ALADIN-Fr models 1.4 MiB / PDF

Brozkova : On the role of entrainment at the grey zone scales 1.2 MiB / PDF

Caluwaerts: Boyd’s periodisation and relaxation for spectral LAMs 2.1 MiB / PDF

Dagrun Vikharam Schuler: Snow modelling using the SURFEX-Crocus snow scheme 1.1 MiB / PDF

El Khatib : AROME scalability 224.5 KiB / PDF

El Khatib : Scalability of Bator : a problem of strong scalability ? 440 KiB / PDF

Feddersen: Predicting intense precipitation using upscaled high-resolution ensemble forecasts 985.1 KiB / PDF

Fischer : LAM models in the OOPS framework ? 620 KiB / PDF

Fortelius: Intercomparison of radiative fluxes in the SURFEX TEB and observations from a moving platform in the streets of Helsinki 1.3 MiB / PDF

ForteliusDrebs 1.3 MiB / PDF

Frogner: The quality of EuroTEPS vs TEPS after the latest cycle updates 737.7 KiB / PDF

Geijo: Data assimilation by field alignment: testing the theory 3 MiB / PDF

HMG-CSSI__agenda 20.8 KiB / PDF

Homleid : Harmonie surface data assimilation 2.1 MiB / PDF

Horanyi : C-SRNWP and the Forecasting Capability Area of EUMETNET 802.7 KiB / PDF

Hortal: What is going on in dynamics in HIRLAM 124.3 KiB / PDF

Ivarsson : (Very) Last updates of the Liu-Penner parametrization in Hirlam (and of the KF -scheme) 1.3 MiB / PDF

Iversen : Status of GLAMEPS and plans for HIRLAM-B 1.6 MiB / PDF

Johansson: Impact of a hybrid ensemble – variational data assimilation system on the performance of an ETKF-based EPS system 804.3 KiB / PDF

Kristiansen: High-resolution ensemble prediction of a polar low development 8 MiB / PDF

Landelius: Correcting phase errors using optical flow and image warping 817.7 KiB / PDF

Lindskog: 4D-Var Harmonie developments 512.2 KiB / PDF

Mahfouf : Ongoing developments on radar data assimilation in AROME 2.6 MiB / PDF

Main outcomes of HMG-CSSI meeting 33 KiB / PDF

Main outcomes of HMG-CSSI meeting 33 KiB / PDF

Nielsen : Computationally efficient tilted independent column calculations of surface radiation 3.7 MiB / PDF

Nielsen: Testing cloud parametrizations in NWP models against satellite data 3 MiB / PDF

Notes about DA discussion 70.6 KiB / PDF

Notes about LAMEPS discussion 27.7 KiB / PDF

Notes about Physics discussion 37.3 KiB / PDF

Onvlee : Highlights of recent and planned HIRLAM activities 442.4 KiB / PDF

poster-FMI_Kangas 530 KiB / PDF

poster_ASM_EDMFm 1.1 MiB / PDF

poster_Au 1.3 MiB / PDF

poster_Bg 55.1 KiB / PDF

poster_Blazica 905.5 KiB / PDF

poster_Canarias 1.3 MiB / PDF

poster_case_study_Morocco 9.1 MiB / PDF

poster_chapeau 3.5 MiB / PDF

Poster_CHMI_2011 1001.8 KiB / PDF

poster_debruijn_derooy 582.6 KiB / PDF

poster_diez 310.8 KiB / PDF

poster_EGU_BMA 173.4 KiB / PDF

poster_HR 3.9 MiB / PDF

poster_Hu 1.7 MiB / PDF

poster_IMPACT_plas 973.2 KiB / PDF

poster_jan 283.7 KiB / PDF

poster_LACE 823.2 KiB / PDF

poster_MetEire 582.4 KiB / PDF

poster_MF 2.1 MiB / PDF

poster_Morocco 1.9 MiB / PDF

poster_Ro 2.8 MiB / PDF

poster_Slovakia 2.1 MiB / PDF

poster_Slovenia 1.1 MiB / PDF

poster_SMHI 932.4 KiB / PDF

poster_Strajnar 359.6 KiB / PDF

poster_Tk 6.5 MiB / PDF

poster_UHI 2.4 MiB / PDF

poster_vandenbergh 70.9 KiB / PDF

Program (updated on April 11, 2010) 137 KiB / PDF

provisional-agenda (updated April 1st) 137.1 KiB / PDF

registration form 88 KiB / Word

Report on the Joint SRNWP workshop on DA-EPS, Bologna, 22-24 March 782.9 KiB / PDF

Ridal: Assimilation of radar data in HARMONIE : Activities and plans 1.4 MiB / PDF

Rontu: From orsula to HIRLAM7.4 3.8 MiB / PDF

Salmond: Arpege/IFS in the OOPS framework 351.4 KiB / PDF

Samuelsson : HARMONIE for regional climate applications 1 MiB / PDF

Samuelsson: Implementation of multi-energy balance (MEB) into SURFEX 1.5 MiB / PDF

Sanchez and Calvo: Sensitivity of Harmonie to nesting strategy and initial conditions 2 MiB / PDF

Seity : AROME-France evolution 9.4 MiB / PDF

Smet : Economic value of GLAMEPS-LAEF over Belgium 333.8 KiB / PDF

Soci : Inter-comparison of high-resolution surface reanalyses over France within EURO4M project 824.4 KiB / PDF

Szintai : Determination of the optimal lateral boundary conditions for AROME: verification results using radar (SAL) and synop measurements 3.6 MiB / PDF

Termonia : ALADIN status and plans 1.8 MiB / PDF

Thorsteinsson : Studies in HARMONIE 3D-Var with 3 hourly rapid update cycling (RUC) 1 MiB / PDF

Vana : Recent changes in Alaro dynamics 6.3 MiB / PDF

Wang : R&d status of ALADIN-LAEF 1.9 MiB / PDF

Weidle : What are the added-values of LAMEPS ? 1.3 MiB / PDF

WG dynamics 39.6 KiB / PDF

WG system 36.5 KiB / PDF

Yang : Cy36h1.3 testing 3.2 MiB / PDF