Regular 12th General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Ljubljana, 07-08 November 2007
- Minutes of the 12th assembly
- Participants of the 12th assembly
Agenda with on-line presentations
- Welcome and opening of the meeting.
- Adoption of the agenda and the minutes of the 11th GA.
- Report of the GA Chairman on the "Bureau preparatory meeting", Vienna, 24-25/10/07
- Report of PAC Chairman (the PAC 3rd Session took place in Prague, 7-8/6/07
- Programme Managers’ reports :
- "Classical matters" for the past year :
- Operational report (Martin Janousek)
- Maintenance report (Claude Fischer)
- Manpower figures for 7-06 to 6-07 (ALADIN PM)
- ALADIN Strategy :
- Presentation of the Draft Strategy Document (Emmanuel Legrand)
- Consequences for the ALADIN planning process (ALADIN PM)
- Comments, discussions and final shaping of the ALADIN Strategy Document (GA Chair)
Special presentation: Performance of ALADIN in the extreme rain event on 18th September 2007 in Slovenia (Mark Zagar)
- Important scientific or technical issues for the 4-year planning; draft list to be updated if needed (ALADIN PM) :
- Verification
- NH-VFE issue (dynamics)
- Convergence steps for AROME and ALARO physics and phys-dyn interfacing
- Contribution to GLAMEPS (and/or EurEPS)
- Surface modelling- and data assimilation issues
- Maintenance aspects
- Presentation of the work plan elaboration process for 2008, especially in terms of manpower priorities (ALADIN PM).
- Membership and cooperation matters (GA Chair)
- Budget matters (ALADIN PM) :
- Accounting of the 2006 budget
- Report about the ongoing execution of the 2007 budget
- Adoption of the 2008 budget
- Elections of the General Assembly Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson (PAC Chair)
- Appointments of the PAC Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson (GA Chair)
- A.O.B.
- Date and place of the next General Assembly (or of the next two General Assemblies).
- Closing of the meeting.