High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
PhD Thesis completed in the framework of the ALATNET project
Article published on 10 August 2010
last modification on 11 August 2010

by Patricia

PhD Thesis completed in the framework of the ALATNET project

Name Title of the thesis University Date of defense
Scientific strategy for the implementation of a 3d-var assimilation scheme for a double-nested limited area model Romanian thesis : University of Bucarest to be defended
Gianpaolo BALSAMO
Mesoscale variational assimilation for land surface variables joint thesis: University of Torino & Université Paul Sabatier Defended on Friday 4 April 2003 with highest mark on both Italian and French scales (mention « très honorable »)
Margarida BELO PEREIRA (Portugal) Improving the assimilation of water in a NWP model Université Paul Sabatier defended on 29 May 2006
Raluca RADU
Contributions to the study of the coupling problem between limited area models and large scale models (English summary) University of Bucharest defended on 2 July 2010
Study of the relationship between turbulent fluxes in deeply stable PBL situations and cyclogenetic activity (main conclusions, English summary) University of Bratislava defended in November 2008 in Bratislava
Cornel SOCI
Sensitivity study at high resolution using a limited-area model Romanian thesis : University of Bucarest Defended on Tuesday 20 April 2004 in Bucarest
Systematic qualiitative evaluation of high-resolution non-hydrostatic model to be defended
Malgorzata SZCZECH
Use of IASI/AIRS data over land to be defended
Application of the predictor-corrector method to non-hydrostatic dynamics Slovakian thesis : Slovak academy of Sciences to be defended

Raluca Radu’s PHD : summary 42.3 KiB / PDF