High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Practical details for the teleconference meetings of the MoU4 redaction committee
Article published on 20 April 2010
last modification on 11 January 2011

by Patricia
  • Claude FISCHER : +33 5 61 07 98 04
  • Dijana KLARIC : +385 1 4565 665
  • Cornel SOCI : +40 21316 2139
  • Piet TERMONIA : +322 3 730 638
  • Jean-François GELEYN (if not in Toulouse) : +420244032280 (not declared for 4 May conference)

At 10:00 on Tuesday 4 of May, please call (from the above phone numbers) the +33 5 67 04 01 14.

You will get a message to enter a code : please dial *1405# (it’s the same code for everybody).

At 12:00, without alert, the communication will be switch off.

 2nd meeting : Tuesday 25 of May

call : +33 5 67 04 01 15 then dial *1805#

 3rd meeting : Tuesday 15 of June

call : +33 5 67 04 01 15 then dial *1506#