High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
2016, June : Presentations at the IFS/ARPEGE coordination meeting
Article published on 10 June 2016
last modification on 18 July 2018

by Patricia

Presentations at the IFS/ARPEGE coordination meeting held in Toulouse on June 6, 2016 :

Minutes of this meeting.

The minutes of the coordination meetings are available here.

ifsarp_20160606_bouyssel.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

ifs_arpege_060616_steve.pdf 5.9 MiB / PDF

lean_ifs_arpege_odb_cope_2016.pdf 443.1 KiB / PDF

paulb_43r1_progress_meeting.pdf 62.1 KiB / PDF