High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Historical graphics of the participation in the ALADIN/ALATNET/LACE project
Article published on 21 June 2008
last modification on 2 December 2015

by Patricia

The statistics about the manpower involved in ALADIN have been produced for special projects that no longer exist (ALATNET, LACE operational center in Prague).

 ALATNET Work (no change since the end of ALATNET, February 28, 2004)

Breakdown of the person.months by participants’ nationality
Breakdown of the participants by participants’ nationality
Breakdown of the person.months by money fundings
Evolution of the monthly manpower
Comparison of the effort realized in the centers with the targeted effort
Breakdown of the effort realized in the centers by local teams and visitors
Breakdown of the effort by men and women

 Prague/LACE Part (no change since the end of Prague as operational LACE center, end of 2002

Breakdown of the person.months by countries
Breakdown of the participants by countries
Breakdown of the person.months by money fundings
Evolution of the monthly manpower