High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
The PECO action
Article published on 27 August 1996
last modification on 27 August 2008

by Patricia

In January 1993, the Commission of the European Communities selected the pre-operational work on ALADIN as one of the subjects financed under the so-called PECO action, in a competitive context (1 to 35).

This application form was submitted.

In May 1994, the work of the seven members of the PECO-financed pre-operational team (with the additional contributions of the Ph.D. students and an established team of Météo-France scientists) leads to a successful conclusion. ALADIN becomes quasi-operational on Météo-France’s C98 computer on 31 May 1994. See the Quasi-operational bulletin number 1 and the scientific status of this first quasi-operational version of ALADIN as presented during the second meeting of the LACE steering committee in Bratislava, in June 1994.

Scientific status of the 1st quasi-operational ALADIN 92.8 KiB / PDF