This page presents the common ALADIN-HIRLAM Rolling Work Plans and the ALADIN annual activities report on these RWP, since 2018 when the RWP were reorganised.
2020 Rolling Work Plan : RWP2020
The 5th Joint ALADIN GA & HIRLAM C approved the Rolling Work Plan for 2020.
2019 Rolling Work Plan : RWP2019
The 4th Joint ALADIN GA & HIRLAM C approved the Rolling Work Plan for 2019.
The ALADIN PM reported on the ALADIN activities of the Rolling Work Plan 2019, including the ALADIN common activities (Code engineering, Scientific Maintenance, Quality Assurance and training activities) to PAC and GA and wrote a synthesis “Synthesis Report ALADIN activities, December 2019 ".
The status of the RWP2019 was analysed during the HMG/CSSI meeting on April 2-4, 2020 in video-conference. A detailed status by Work Packages is available upon request. A summary document RWP2019-status, including manpower figures, was published after the HMG/CSSI meeting.
2018 Rolling Work Plan : RWP2018
The 3rd Joint ALADIN GA & HIRLAM C approved the resources of their NMS working according to the RWP2018, the 50% Code Architect position, the 20% Data Assimilation coordinator position, asked the HAC/PAC to discuss its scope and how to follow its realisation and wished the PMs best luck to realise this plan for better services to the European and North Africans citizens.
Some statistics were tentatively produced on the manpower commitments by the Partners (including HIRLAM) to this RWP2018 (see the manpower page), with comparison with reported manpower, although the scope of the RWP and of the manpower reporting are not currently exactly the same.
The ALADIN PM reported on the ALADIN activities of the Rolling Work Plan 2018, including the ALADIN common activities (Code engineering, Scientific Maintenance, Quality Assurance activities) to PAC and GA and wrote a synthesis “Synthesis Report ALADIN activities by PM, November 2018".
The status of the RWP2018 was analysed during the HMG/CSSI meeting on April 5, 2019 in Madrid. A detailed status by Work Packages is available upon request. A summary document RWP2018-status, including manpower figures, was published after the HMG/CSSI meeting.
Restructuration of the common A-H Work Plan (2017)
Some changes of the work plan build process (w/r to the MoU4 practices) were introduced in 2017 in the framework of the newly signed ALADIN-HIRLAM cooperation agreement, the strategy meeting held in Toulouse and the 2nd joint ALADIN General Assembly and HIRLAM Council.
The Directors approved the definition of these three types of activities :
- Part 1. common activities (activities necessary to create the export versions) : code delivery, maintenance and support activities;
- Part 2. core programs (R&D): commonly agreed programs of recognized strategic importance that will benefit all partners. Two core programs are proposed “Scalability†(numerics, scalability and HPC developments) and “DA for ALL partners†(Development of a DA “starters kit†to help those ALADIN Members who do not have an operational data assimilation yet, and further developments of 3Dvar).
- Part 3. specific activities : all activities carried out outside of the core programs that
- a.) are needed by a limited group of member states who invest resources in it, OR
- b.) do not lead in the short term to the creation of a new CMC or a major extension of the sanity check, OR
- c.) are not needed to guarantee operations; a first list of specific activities has been identified during the strategy meeting.
The Rolling Work Plan (RWP) was reorganized accordingly, with commitments from all Partners to the core programs. The impact on the code design/code implementation of the science is made more visible and the new RWP aims to allow for a better planning and reporting in the future, with focus on deliverables.