High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
4th Working day of the SRNWP Expert Team on Surface Processes, 21 September 2012, FMI, Helsinki (Finland)
Article published on 25 September 2012

by JFM

The fourth meeting of the Expert Team on surface processes took place one day after the 3rd lake workshop and was kindly hosted at FMI thanks to Laura Rontu and Ekatarina Kurzeneva. Each consortium had at least one representative. This has allowed a rather comprehensive review of the activities among Europe. Discussions concerned the use of the SRNWP Data pool that has been set-up and maintained by COSMO, on activities related to the improvement of the lake databases and climatologies, and on future common activities. We also discussed contributions to the next EWGLAM/SRNWP meetings (titles for the presentations and also a title for the review talk).

Minutes of the meeting (written by Jean-François Mahfouf)

The presentations given during the meeting are available below :

COSMO.pdf 4.4 MiB / PDF

ECMWF.pdf 6.8 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM.pdf 6.6 MiB / PDF


Minutes_of_the_meeting.pdf 65.6 KiB / PDF

report_assimilation_workshop.pdf 3.1 MiB / PDF

SRNWP_ET_surface_activities.pdf 67 KiB / PDF