High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium

The organisation of the ALADIN project changes according to the evolution of the project (see also the history of the project) :

  • 1991 - 1995 : gestation
  • 1996 - 2001 : decentralization and formalization through the 1st MoU
  • 2001 - 2005 : 2nd MoU with enlarged definition of the ALADIN partnership, guidelines for the commercial use, creation of a Technical Cooperation Standing Committee (TCSC)
  • end of 2005 : the 3rd MoU defines the new organisation
  • end of 2010 : the 4th Mou defines the new organisation ; Piet replaces Jean-François as PM
  • beginning of 2016 : the 5th MoU defines the current governance


The 16 ALADIN Partners
Published on 7 January 2013
by Patricia
History of the governance : 1991-2016
Published on 21 July 2008
by Patricia
Current governance
Published on 4 April 2018
by Patricia
ALADIN governance : history of the chair persons
Published on 30 November 2018
by Patricia