The third ALADIN Memorandum of Understanding was signed on October 21st, 2005 during the 10th ALADIN Assembly in Bratislava. It is valid for at least 5 years after signature .
An amended version was signed during the Extraordinary General Assembly (Brussels, Feb 2006) : it defines more precisely the relationships between governing bodies with a proposed way of circulating information, request and decision between GA, PAC, PM and Directors on one hand, in consistency with HIRLAM and with ECMWF.
A third signing in nearly identical terms, but at 16 Partners, of a new version of the ALADIN MoU3 took place during the 13th General Assembly. The only differences with respect to the 2nd version (2006) are fourfold: number and explicit names of Partners; provision for not extending the duration of the MoU3 at the occasion of its present new signing; footnote added on request of Turkey and following the decision of the Budapest General Assembly two years ago; an updated Table of cumulated manpower participations, allowing inter alii the Turkish contribution during the Acceding Membership phase to appear.
The 3rd MoU defines :
- the purposes and objectives agreed by the Parties for ALADIN cooperation
- the condition of membership, the rights and obligations of the members
- the governance and the management : General Assembly (with its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson), Program Manager, Policy Advisory Committee, ALADIN Local Teams Managers, Program Team, Committee for Scientific and System/maintenance Issues, System/maintenance and Scientific Coordinators, Support Team
- the co-operations
- the resources : manpower and ALADIN Annual Budget
- the information exchange within the Members and towards users
- ownership and property rights
- the conditions for access to and implementation to the ALADIN system
- ownership, availability and commercialization of ALADIN products
- ...
Versions :