Model parameters | ALADIN | COSMO | HIRLAM | UM/JULES | ECMWF |
Soil temperature and water content | Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for conventional and satellite observations. Offline mode | First guess T2m and Q2m from open land/snow only (excluding forest) | Addition of ASCAT data. Longer term plan is to develop an EKF scheme that uses screen observations and satellite data |
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for use of conventional (soil moisture and brightness temperatures). Offline mode | |
Sea surface temperature | Optimal interpolation using surface observations and satellite SST products (OSTIA) | None | |||
Sea-ice extent | None | None | |||
Sea-ice temperature | None | Implementation of bulk thermodynamic sea ice model presently applied operationally in GME | None | ||
Sea-ice concentration | None | None | |||
Snow depth | Optimal interpolation using surface observations + satellite MSG swno cover mask | Major revision of snow within COSMO project COLOBOC at Meteo-Swiss. Modifications in calculation of rho_snow, T_snow, additional use of snow observations in the Alpine region | Longer term plans to include SYNOPs and satellite SWE in snow depth analysis | ||
Lake | None | None | |||
Vegetation | Kalman filter for surface albedo analysis from LandSAF products | More frequent updates, possibly using LandSAF data. Longer term plan to assimilate LAI within EKF scheme | MODIS assimilation in a simplified 2D-Var |