High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
DAsKIT regular video-conferences
Article published on 26 February 2021
last modification on 9 April 2021

by Patricia

 26 March 2021 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • ‘Tour de Table’: status & progress of local implementations
  • Recent news from the ACCORD DA Area Leader (Roger Randriamampianina)
  • On-going work: status on a common basic scripts setfor combDA (Maria Monteiro & Alex Deckmyn)
  • DAsKIT wiki page (Yelis Cengiz)
  • AOB

 26 January 2021 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • ‘Tour de Table’: which are your actual and short-term local needs concerning the DAsKITsetup scripts ? (ecFlow query results)
  • What and How
  • Suite design: ‘assim’ vs, ‘prod’ (Alena Trojakova)
  • Tentative roadmap
  • AOB

 18 December 2020 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • Status on the DAsKIT countries
  • Actual issues
  • Follow up of September’s 2020 DA Working Days
  • Perspectives under RWP20215.AOB

 23 June 2020 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • Recent news on DAsKIT countries
  • Status, progress on actions (local implementation, validation and diagnostics of surfDA at CY43T2) and actual issues
  • Planning of “2020 Joint LACE Data Assimilation & DAsKT Working Days†, Vienna
  • Planning of next actions & AOB.

 25 March 2020 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • Status on the DAsKIT countries progress
  • Actual issues
  • Progress on actions: validation & diagnostics of surface DA; BATOR CY43T2 implementation/validation (up to end 1Q2020)
  • Planning of next actions & AOB.

 19 December 2019 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • Status on the DAsKIT countries progress
  • Actual issues
  • Progress on actions: validation of surface DA; diagnostics on surface DA; local implementation of CY43T2; BATOR CY43T2 validation (up to end 1Q2020); AMDAR-GTS and TEMP-GTS pre-processing; 3D-Var (B-matrix computation; plans and progress); local implementation of SAPP; local implementation of OBSMON; local implementation of HARP
  • Planning of next actions & AOB.

 25 June 2019 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • Status on the DAsKIT countries progress
  • Actual issues
  • Progress on actions: validation of surfDA; diagnostics on surfDA; OBSMON; AMDAR pre-processing
  • Planning of next DAsKIT WD
  • Planning of next actions & AOB.

 26 March 2019 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • 1. Progress on validation of local surface DA
  • 2. Actual local issues
  • 3. Coupling DA cycles with ARPEGE
  • 4. Debriefing on common A-H DA training
  • 5. Next DAsKIT WD
  • 6. Planning of next actions and AOB

 5-6 December 2018 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • 1. Status on the DAsKIT countries progress.
  • 2. Status on the 2018 DAsKIT WD exercises
  • 3. Validation of local surfDA cycling
  • 4. Local issues
  • 5. Planing of next actions and AOB

 4 June 2018 video-conference

See the summary report; the main topics of this video-conference were:

  • 1. Status on the DAsKIT countries progress.
  • 2. Preparation of the DAsKIT WD to be held in Romania, 19-21 September 2018 (see organization)
  • 3. DAsKIT documentation web page - this page - (& LACE Forum).
  • 4. Status on possible solutions for needs identified in the Inquiry 2018

DAsKIT summary report December 2020 70.4 KiB / PDF

DAsKIT summary report January 2021 114.4 KiB / PDF

DAsKIT summary report June 2019 61.7 KiB / PDF

DAsKIT summary report June 2020 67.8 KiB / PDF

DAsKIT summary report March 2019 56.2 KiB / PDF

DAsKIT summary report March 2020 241.6 KiB / PDF

DAsKIT summary report March 2021 82.6 KiB / PDF