26th ALADIn GA and 7th joint ALADIM GA - HIRLAM C, 26-27 November 2020
The meetings of the ALADIN and HIRLAM Directors should have taken place in Toulouse, after the EUMETNET & ECOMET Councils. All these meetings have been transformed into video-conferences.
The schedule agreed during the June meetings is kept:
- Thursday 26 November morning: 26th ALADIN GA in parallel with the UWC C
- Thursday 26 November afternoon: LACE and HIRLAM Councils in parallel
- Friday 27 November morning: 7th joint ALADIN GA – HIRLAM C meeting
- signature of the MoU of the new ALH Consortium
- Friday 27 November afternoon: first Assembly of the Consortium.
26th ALADIN General Assembly
Minutes approved by email consultation
- Opening and welcome
- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Report from previous meeting
- Activity reports and plans
- Budget issues and manpower
- A.O.B (video of Piet presentation and thanks to Piet)
- Closing
7th joint ALADIN General Assembly and HIRLAM Council
Minutes approved by email consultation
- Opening of the 7th joint GA-C and welcome
- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Reports
- 11th PAC-HAC meeting
- Meetings of the High Level group
- Report on Rolling Work Plan 2020
- Governance issues
- Approval of the name of the new Consortium
- Status of MoU signatures
- Review of the declaration and press release
Signature of the MoU (video to celebrate the new Consortium, same video with French sub-titles)
Kick-off Assembly of the ALH Consortium
Minutes approved by email consultation
- Opening of the 1st Consortium Assembly
- Governance issues
- Election of the Assembly chair and vice-chair
- Nomination of STAC and PAC representatives and chair persons
- Nomination of Local Team Managers by Members
- Roadmap & progress on MG recruitment
- Approval of 2021 budget & financial contracts
- Plans
- Date and place of the next Assembly meetings
- A.O.B
- Closing