High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
26th ALADIn GA and 7th joint ALADIM GA - HIRLAM C, 26-27 November 2020
Article published on 23 June 2020
last modification on 4 January 2021

by Patricia

The meetings of the ALADIN and HIRLAM Directors should have taken place in Toulouse, after the EUMETNET & ECOMET Councils. All these meetings have been transformed into video-conferences.
The schedule agreed during the June meetings is kept:

  • Thursday 26 November morning: 26th ALADIN GA in parallel with the UWC C
  • Thursday 26 November afternoon: LACE and HIRLAM Councils in parallel
  • Friday 27 November morning: 7th joint ALADIN GA – HIRLAM C meeting
  • signature of the MoU of the new ALH Consortium
  • Friday 27 November afternoon: first Assembly of the Consortium.

 26th ALADIN General Assembly

Minutes approved by email consultation

  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
  3. Report from previous meeting
    1. 20th PAC meetings
  4. Activity reports and plans
    1. Tour d’ALADIN
    2. Common activities, DAsKIT coord, CA, ACNA
    3. LACE report
  5. Budget issues and manpower
    1. Manpower figures
    2. Execution of the ongoing budget
  6. A.O.B (video of Piet presentation and thanks to Piet)
    1. Looking back at the last 10 years
    2. Piet thank you gift
  7. Closing

 7th joint ALADIN General Assembly and HIRLAM Council

Minutes approved by email consultation

  1. Opening of the 7th joint GA-C and welcome
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
  3. Reports
    1. 11th PAC-HAC meeting
    2. Meetings of the High Level group
    3. Report on Rolling Work Plan 2020
  4. Governance issues
    1. Approval of the name of the new Consortium
    2. Status of MoU signatures
    3. Review of the declaration and press release

 Signature of the MoU (video to celebrate the new Consortium, same video with French sub-titles)

 Kick-off Assembly of the ALH Consortium

Minutes approved by email consultation

  1. Opening of the 1st Consortium Assembly
  2. Governance issues
    1. Election of the Assembly chair and vice-chair
    2. Nomination of STAC and PAC representatives and chair persons
    3. Nomination of Local Team Managers by Members
    4. Roadmap & progress on MG recruitment
    5. Approval of 2021 budget & financial contracts
  3. Plans
    1. Approval of the 2021 Rolling Work Plan: (approved RWP2021)
    2. Progress and plans at Météo-France
    3. Progress and plans at ECMWF
  4. Date and place of the next Assembly meetings
  5. A.O.B
  6. Closing

ag_ahl_mf_strat_pn.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

alh-item2.1-2.3.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

alh_brown.pdf 3.3 MiB / PDF

budget-2.pdf 74 KiB / PDF

common_activities.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

declaration.pdf 36.1 KiB / PDF

lace_mt.pdf 5 MiB / PDF

looking_back.pdf 3.3 MiB / PDF

press-release.pdf 75.2 KiB / PDF

roadmap_budget_v2.pdf 81.3 KiB / PDF

rwp-2021_presga_v2.pdf 165 KiB / PDF

rwp2020.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

rwp2021-approved.pdf 955.9 KiB / PDF

Minutes 7th joint ALADIN GA - HIRLAM Council and ACCORD kick-off meeting, approved by email consultation 1.3 MiB / PDF

Minutes26th ALADIN GA, approved by email consultation 111.3 KiB / PDF

Tour d’ALADIN 6.9 MiB / PDF