High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
2019 Joint LACE Data Assimilation & DAsKIT Working Days, Prague, 18-20 September 2019
Article published on 20 August 2019
last modification on 22 October 2019

by Patricia

Following the success of last years organization, the DAsKIT WD this year was also partly joint with the LACE Data Assimilation Working Days (DAWD): the program started with a joint session were each country presented its local status/progress report; then the working days were separated and just joint again for a final joint discussion on conclusions and plans.

 Agenda and list of participants

 Common block of status/progress presentations

 Invited talks

 DAsKIT talks & practical notes

 Final discussion

 Summary report of the 2019 DAsKIT WD

 Next steps

  • Coming events:
    • 2020 DAsKIT will be host by ZAMG in Vienna, Austria
    • Next DAsKIT video-conf will take place in December 2019
  • DAsKIT goals for 2019-2020:
    • finish the tuning and joint validation of local surface DA cycling (CY40T1 and CY43T2)
    • step_by_step move to a combined solution of surface+3D-Var DA at CY43T2.

3d-var_action.pdf 44.6 KiB / PDF

algeria_daskit_prague_2019.pdf 466.2 KiB / PDF

amdar_action.pdf 47.9 KiB / PDF

amdar_wd2019-converted.pdf 148.9 KiB / PDF

b-matrix.pdf 119.8 KiB / PDF

czstatus-2.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

da-austria-2019.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

dainimwmpraga2019.pdf 20 MiB / PDF

daskit-2019-belgium.pdf 362.4 KiB / PDF

daskit-2019-harp.pdf 80.4 KiB / PDF

daskit-tunisia-prague.pdf 855.9 KiB / PDF

daskit_2019_final_session.pdf 102.2 KiB / PDF

daskit_2019_joint_discussion.pdf 61.6 KiB / PDF

daskit_dawd_2019_agenda.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

data_assimilation_status_croatia_2019.pdf 475 KiB / PDF

dawd2019_si.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF

diagnostic_action.pdf 49 KiB / PDF

hirlam_ua_da_rr_2019_2_lace.pdf 7.1 MiB / PDF

obsmon_documentation.pdf 274.1 KiB / PDF

oplace.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

presentation_amdar.pdf 80.7 KiB / PDF

pt_2019daskit_final.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

ronandarcy_daskit_2019.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

screening_monitoring_exercises.pdf 290 KiB / PDF

status_presentation_hungary.pdf 2.4 MiB / PDF

tsenovabogatchev.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

wafa_daskit_pt.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF