Published on 14 July 2009
ComponentALADINCOSMOHIRLAMUM/JULESECMWF Surface energy balance Patch approach over the nature tile : (up to) 12 different energy and water budgets Flexible tile approach with separate energy budgets Multi Energy Balance in SURFEX/HARMONIE Flexible tile scheme with user defined tiles and (…)
Published on 14 July 2009
ComponentALADINCOSMOHIRLAMUM/JULESECMWF Orography GTOPO030 database resolution 30†None None None at present, possibly SRTM in future None Soil types FAO database resolution 10 km : fraction of sand and clay Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) None HWSD + STATGO + observations None Soil (…)
Published on 11 July 2009
Model parametersALADINCOSMOHIRLAMUM/JULESECMWF Soil temperature and water content Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for conventional and satellite observations. Offline mode First guess T2m and Q2m from open land/snow only (excluding forest) Addition of ASCAT data.
Longer term plan is to develop (…)
Published on 3 July 2009
ALADIN Best, M.J., A. Beljaars, J. Polcher, and P. Viterbo (2004) : A Proposed Structure for Coupling Tiled Surfaces with the Planetary Boundary Layer. J. Hydrometeor., 5, 1271–1278, 2004. Boone, A., J.-C. Calvet, and J. Noilhan (1999) : Inclusion of a third soi layer in a land surface (…)
Published on 3 July 2009
Model parameters ALADINCOSMOHIRLAM/HARMONIEUM/JULESECMWF Soil temperature and water content Optimum interpolation based on screen-level analysis increments of T and RH 2-dimensional (vertical and temporal) variational technique using 2-m temperature analyses at 12 and 15 UTC
Analysed (…)