ALADIN Workshop 10th, Toulouse, France, 6-7 June 2001
The 10th ALADIN workshop, dedicated to scientific progress and the evaluation of the second medium-term research plan , was organized in Toulouse on June 7-8. It was a real success, with 44 participants from 15 countries. Let us just quote the chairman of the last session, Andras Horanyi, : " Congratulations to Météo France for organizing the workshop: especially for the world record in the number of presentations per day (22, yesterday) " and mention the friendly informal celebration of the 10th ALADIN anniversary, prepared by visitors on the Thursday evening.
Thursday 7 of June 2001 : scientific presentations
- 9.00 Opening of the workshop and introduction
by Jean Quiby and Jean-François Geleyn - 9.15-10.00 Recent progress in NH dynamics : Pierre Bénard (and Jan Masek)
- 10.00-10.15 Some results for the non-hydrostatic version of ALADIN : Klaus Stadlabacher
- 10.15-10.30 Relaxation of the thin layer hypothesis : Karim Yessad
- 10.30-11.45 Investigation of the behaviour of the adjoint of the ALADIN model : LBCs and mesoscale applications : Cornel Soci
- 10.45-11.00 A study of some temporal interpolation schemes for the coupling problem : Piet Termonia
- 11.00-11.30: Coffee break
- 11.30-11.45 Orophically triggered convection in ALADIN and in the real atmosphere : a case study : Thomas Haiden
- 11.45-12.00 Simulation of the meso-scale convective systems at different resolutions : Doina Banciu
- 12.00-12.30 Some results using a prognostic convection scheme : Luc Gérard
- 12.30-13.00 "Functional Boxes" approach for moist processes : Eric Bazile
- 13.00-14.00: Lunch break
- 14.00-14.20 Latest improvements in PBL parameterization : Jean-François Geleyn
- 14.20-14.40 Links between cloudiness and vertical stability : some more questions : Janko Merse
- 14.40-15.05 Ways to address compensating errors in physical parameterizations : Jean-Marcel Piriou
- 15.05-15.20 Tuning the orography representation in the E923 configuration : Doina Banciu
- 15.20-15.40 Some applications of the ALADIN model in Romania : Mihaela Caian
- 15.40-15.50 Improved description of emissivity over land : Malgorzata Szczech
- 15.50-16.00 Snow cover parameterization : Mohammed El Haiti
- 16.00-16.30: Tea break
- 16.30-16.50 Blending technique as implemented in ALADIN/LACE : Radmila Brozkova
- 16.50-17.10 Lagged constant coupling background error statistics : preliminary results for the ALADIN/HU model : Andras Horanyi
- 17.10-17.25 Initialization and 3d-Var assimilation : Adam Dziedzic
- 17.25-17.40 Singular vectors in ALADIN : Claude Fischer
- 17.40-18.00 Tuning of observation and background statistics in 3d-Var : Wafaa Sadiki
- 18.00-18.15 Snow cover analysis : Lora Gaytandjieva
- 18.15-18.30 Use of new observations : progress and perspectives : Florence Rabier
- 18.30-19.00: Definition of working groups
- 19.00: Informal celebration of the 10 years ALADIN anniversary : "Megabuffet" at Météopole
Friday 8 of June 2001: working groups discussions and presentations
- 9.00-11.00: Working groups discussions
- 11.00-11.30: Coffee break
- 11.30-11.50: Implementation of CAPE and CIN in ALADIN : Neva Pristov
- 11.50-12.10 Recent progress in Full-Pos : Ryad El Khatib
- 12.10-12.20 ALADIN/CROATIA : One year experience on PC-Cluster : Dijana Klaric
- 12.20-13:00: Around the diffusion of information in ALADIN : Dominique Giard
- 13.00-14.00: Lunch break
- 14.00-15.00: Presentations of the Working Groups conclusions
- 15.00-17.00: Eventual additional presentations, Open discussion
- Closure of the meeting