High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Article published on 11 September 2002
last modification on 11 September 2008

by Patricia

The ALADIN configurations

Nine are currently fully validated (the number is likely to increase in the near future, given the momentum of the project) :

  • e923 : the creation of the « geographical » conditions for any given geometry of the LAM, anywhere on the globe ;
  • e927/ee927 : the creation of initial and/or lateral boundary conditions starting from an ARPEGE or an ALADIN file ;
  • e701 : the optimal interpolation analysis module nick-named CANARI ;
  • e001 : the model integration itself (with its digital filter initialization (DFI) option) ;
  • and the fully compatible post-processing Full-Pos (itself not an indépendant configuration but a variant of one (d) time-step),
  • Non-Hydrostatic model using the Laprise formulation with a eulerian or semi-Lagrangian 3 time step advection,
  • adiabatic tangent linear and adjoint eulerian models (e401, e501, e601 & e801) in a simple technical frame (1 processor).

The advantage of this structure is that all these applications can be driven from a single « object » version of the code, for any localization, geometry, number and spacing of vertical levels, etc..., with the implicit certainty that all these characteristics will be compatible with all consecutively employed configurations, as well as the definitions of basic constants (gravity, radius of the Earth, gas constant, etc...) and of thermodynamic functions (saturation pressure and derived expressions). Contrary to the maintenance problem, which required much individual investment for a few key persons, this advantageous simplified use of the code (simple unix-scripts) was a bonus for a project that needed to involve many part-time ALADIN scientists