High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 11th General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Budapest, 09-10 November 2006
Article published on 23 December 2006
last modification on 14 November 2008

by Patricia

Agenda, list of Participants and Full Minutes

  1. Welcome and opening of the meeting.
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda and of the Minutes of the Brussels Extraordinary GA.
  3. Report of PAC Chairman (the PAC 2nd Session took place in Lisbon, 21-22/9/06).
  4. Report of Programme Manager.
  5. ALADIN Strategy:
    1. Context as analysed by PAC;
    2. First steps of the task force’s work.
  6. ALADIN Planning Context:
    1. Organisational matters:
      1. Terms of Reference of CSSI;
      2. Composition of CSSI;
      3. Terms of Reference of LTMs;
      4. Report about the 1st LTM meeting (Bratislava 23-24/10/06).
    2. Report about RC LACE status and activities;
    3. HARMONIE (i.e. common work with HIRLAM);
    4. Evolution of the SRNWP (EUMETNET ‘vision’) context;
    5. Objectives and Priorities for 2007;
    6. Working practices and links between various bodies.
  7. Presentation of the work plan for 2007, as it shall stand after the LTM meeting.
    1. Work plan itself;
    2. Manpower implications;
    3. Global financial implications.
  8. From work plan to task allocation.
  9. ‘Classical matters’ for the past year:
    1. Operational report;
    2. Maintenance report;
    3. Manpower figures for 7-05 to 6-06.
  10. Membership and cooperation matters:
    1. Monitoring the cases treated at the extraordinary General Assembly;
    2. If appropriate, new cases.
  11. Resource matters
    1. Manpower requirements and allocation:
      1. Synthesis of Items 7b, 8 and 9c;
      2. If appropriate, statements by Members (the traditional ‘commitments round table’ item disappears in the new situation).
    2. Budget matters:
      1. Monitoring of the 2006 budget execution, money stream and financed actions;
      2. Proposals for additional mechanisms for transfer and management of contributions in 2007;
      3. Matters regarding Royalties.
  12. Final check on the ALADIN Programme strategy and 2007 planning issues.
  13. OBSNET
  14. A.O.B.
  15. Date and place of the next General Assembly (or of the next two General Assemblies).
  16. Closing of the meeting.