High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
The Data Assimilation Core Program and DAsKIT
Article published on 5 October 2020

by Patricia

 DA coordinator position.

The 22nd ALADIN General Assembly approved the creation of a 20% DA coordinator position in ALADIN to assist the ALADIN PM and the CSSI :

  • with the coordination of the ALADIN DA starter countries with their DA activities;
  • with the coordination of the basic kit DA core program (meetings, inquiries, reporting,
    follow up of the actions, link with HIRLAM, ...);
  • with the elaboration of the ALADIN-HIRLAM common work plan for the DA basic kit core

After being selected, Maria Monteiro (from IPMA) started her job as the new ALADIN DA coordinator on January 1st, 2018.

 DAsKIT : Data Assimilation starters kit