Some experimental AROME configurations were daily run at 1.3 km and 2.5km.
This experimentation has been stopped and will be replaced by runs of AROME High-Resolution with assimilation.
More details when these runs are available.
About the former 1.3km and 2.5km experimental runs :
They are initialized and coupled with operational AROME-France (2.5 km).
Two different vertical discretization are being tested : L90BB (a simple extrapolation of the operational 60 levels discretization on 90 levels) and L90BE (also 90 levels but with a better resolution the lower layers).
The plots of some parameters forecasted by 4 AROME configurations are available here (password required for non-Meteo/France access) for research purposes only (there is no garanty of the quality nor the availability of these plots). 4 plots are proposed for each parameter, for ranges from 01 to 24H, with a possibility to animate the hourly plots (click on "animate").
AROME 1.3 km, L90BB | AROME 1.3km, L90BE |
AROME 2.5 km, L90BB | AROME 2.5km, L60 |