High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
"Convergence" days, Toulouse, 24-25 September 2008
Article published on 12 December 2008
last modification on 23 September 2013

by Patricia

The ‘Convergence days’ (a workshop-type scientific exchange of views) took place in Toulouse on 24-25/9/08 and led to a set of proposed orientations, for the four ongoing ‘convergence actions’ as well as for the more general issues concerning physics- and physics-dynamics-interfacing work inside the Consortium.

Main presentations (and joined documents) of this workshop :

Finalized lists of actions

Participants to the Convergence days

Action about selective externalisation of the AROME microphysics 1.1 MiB / PDF

Action on physical interfaces 544.6 KiB / PDF

Aims of the « Convergence » days 695.3 KiB / PDF

ALADIN : a common tool for different uses 27.7 KiB / PDF

Bio diversity and sustainable development in European NWP 1.2 MiB / PDF

CNRM modelling strategy for MF NWP models 4.7 MiB / PDF

CNRM strategy for the cooperation on atmospheric models for NWP, research and climate 173.8 KiB / PDF

Convergence on MICROPHYSICS between AROME and ALARO-0 235.7 KiB / PDF

Convergence on MICROPHYSICS between AROME and ALARO-0 240.3 KiB / PDF

DDH actions 55.9 KiB / PDF

Flexible dataflow for diagnostics (DDH) : application DDH to AROME 150.6 KiB / PDF

Intermediate stage analysis of the WG on ‘microphysics’ 62.8 KiB / PDF

Interpreting the algorithmic of parameterisation via ‘dynamics’ and ‘observed physics’ : The ALARO-0 and 3MT examples 372.4 KiB / PDF

Manpower for microphysics convergence 130.5 KiB / PDF

Possibility of testing « 3MT » in AROME, ALADIN-MF, ARPEGE 80.5 KiB / PDF

Proposal for a new diagnostic dataflow in Arome physics 85.5 KiB / PDF

Proposals on «interfacing of physical parameterisations 142.9 KiB / PDF

summary of the working group on "microphysics" 67.2 KiB / PDF

summary of the working group on 3MT and shallow convection 76.9 KiB / PDF

summary of the working group on “physics/dynamics†interfaces including DDH and equations 88.4 KiB / PDF

Treatment of microphysics for the evaluation of “3MT†in ARPEGE/ALADIN-MF 61.5 KiB / PDF

What type of cooperation do ALADIN and HARMONIE need (or hope) ? by JF Geleyn 88.7 KiB / PDF

Why these actions ? What purpose for them ? 583 KiB / PDF