High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 17th General Assembly, Vienna, 13-14 November 2012
Article published on 19 March 2013
last modification on 19 November 2013

by Patricia
GA 17 : Participants

The 17th ALADIN General Assembly was hosted by the ZAMG in Vienna, on November 13-14, 2012.

 - Draft Minutes of the 17th assembly

 - Participants of the 17th assembly

 Agenda with on-line presentations

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the draft agenda

3. Approval of the minutes of the 16th GA (GA Chair)

4. Program Manager’s intersession report (PM)

5. Report from the 9th PAC meeting (PAC Chair)

6. Reports:

7. Scientific and technical issues

Invited presentation by the host : Emerging technologies in the numerical forecasting: ensemble prediction and nowcasting, presented by Yong Wang

8. Rolling workplan

9. Link with other European programs

  • EUMETNET: new and old programs, ET issues, link with EUMETCAL, SRNWP, OPERA

10. Budget issues and manpower (+issues in the NMSs)

  • Adoption of the 2013 budget (PM and GA Chair)

11. Governance issues

  • PAC composition, GA composition
  • CSSI composition and ACNA position, TFL on verification (PM)

12. Date and place of the next assembly

13. Closure

Emerging technologies in the numerical forecasting: second part (nowcasting) 3.7 MiB / PDF

GA 17 : highligts and plans 6 MiB / PDF

GA 17 : intersession report (PM) 82.8 KiB / PDF

GA 17 : Merge with HIRLAM (PM) 40.8 KiB / PDF

GA17 : Budget and manpower (P. Pottier) 215 KiB / PDF

GA17 : common system ? (ACNA) 48.4 KiB / PDF

GA17 : HIRLAM report (HIRLAM PM) 490.3 KiB / PDF

GA17 : LACE report (LACE PM) 1.2 MiB / PDF

GA17 : Licences (PM) 37.5 KiB / PDF

GA17 : Rolling Plan (PM) 23.6 KiB / PDF

GA17 : Scientific and technical issues (CSII chair) 646.5 KiB / PDF

GA17 : SURFEX (PM) 74.8 KiB / PDF

provisonal minutes GA17 168.3 KiB / PDF