High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
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The first list of the 2020 visitors in Toulouse is given below. Please consult the offices table for phone number and office number of the 2020 visitors. NAMEFIRSTNAMECOUNTRYSTARTENDSubjectMENTOR (…)
Article published on 7 January 2020
General Assemblies of ALADIN Partners Since the 3rd MoU (November 2005), the governance of the ALADIN project is under the responsibility of the General Assembly. In 2014, for the first time, a (…)
Article published on 6 January 2020
One of the elements of the preparations for the merge between HIRLAM and ALADIN will be to establish a common set of strategic objectives for the new ALADIN-LACE-HIRLAM consortium. These strategic (…)
Article published on 29 November 2019
The DA coordinator has collected a list of events on DA related topics, besides the internal events already listed on the ALADIN-HIRLAM WW webpage. 2020 DA related topics events 12†15 May 2020: (…)
Article published on 30 October 2019
A TRIBUTE TO JEAN-FRANÇOIS GELEYN 6 February 2020, Météo-France Conference Centre, Toulouse On 6 February 2020, a tribute to the scientific career of Jean-François Geleyn, who sadly passed (…)
Article published on 14 October 2019