High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 29th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2019, 1-5 April 2019, Madrid, Spain
Article published on 15 February 2019
last modification on 7 April 2020

by Patricia

The videos of the plenary sessions are on-line (see the links below).

AEMET hosted the joint 29th ALADIN Wk & HIRLAM ASM 2019 in Madrid on 1-4 April 2019 (Wk&ASM) and on 5 April (HMG/CSSI meeting).
The Main meeting took place at the Headquaters of the Ministry for Ecological Transition in Nuevos Ministerios (Madrid) and the HMG/CSSI meeting on Friday at AEMET headquaters.


List of participants




20190404_gsreps_asm_aemet_madrid_acalladop_10.pdf 17.7 MiB / PDF

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asm_2019_madrid_amdar-q_jc.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

asm_jo_20190401.pdf 694.6 KiB / PDF

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aws_bstrajnar_lace_da_report_2019.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

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batrak-sice-2019.pdf 10.9 MiB / PDF

birman_asm2019_2.pdf 10.8 MiB / PDF

c-laef_wastl.pdf 7 MiB / PDF

cmeps_asw_2019.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

config903.pdf 620 KiB / PDF

cyclesoops_claude_v1.pdf 389.9 KiB / PDF

daand_madrid2019.pdf 815.3 KiB / PDF

da_works_at_mf_claude.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

dhmz_national_2019.pdf 2.5 MiB / PDF

eoinwhelan_muscenv.pdf 256.3 KiB / PDF

gleesonetal_radiation_asm2019-2.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

gleesonetal_radiation_asm2019.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

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harp_asm_2019.pdf 5.3 MiB / PDF

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hf_comeps.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

hirlam_aladin_asm_2019_bjke.pdf 2.5 MiB / PDF

hirlam_overview.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

hirlam_ua_da_rr_2019.pdf 6.2 MiB / PDF

jumping_barriers.pdf 663.6 KiB / PDF

kii_metcoop_phys_201904_vers2.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

letkf_in_harmonie_asm2019_1_.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

martin_daniel_aemet_asm2019_madrid_3.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

mary_madrid2019_2.pdf 726.9 KiB / PDF

metcoop_poster_asm_201904.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

minutes_da_side_meeting_madrid.pdf 39.7 KiB / PDF

piriou_20190403_madrid.pdf 5.5 MiB / PDF

poster-france-wk2019.pdf 4.7 MiB / PDF

poster-polandwk2019.pdf 4.3 MiB / PDF

poster.pdf 694.7 KiB / PDF

poster_29wk_ambar_algeria.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

poster_ahw2019_cz.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

poster_cclancy_dynamics_2019.pdf 5.8 MiB / PDF

poster_madrid_2019-2.pdf 4.2 MiB / PDF

poster_madrid_2019.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

poster_metie_operational_2019.pdf 4.2 MiB / PDF

poster_shmu4ahw_2019.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

presentacioncgg2.pdf 1009.4 KiB / PDF

presentationaladinws_madrid2019_geert_smet.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

prezentacija_aladin-hirlam_workshop.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

rontu_asw19.pdf 4.2 MiB / PDF

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schonach_presentation.pdf 3.5 MiB / PDF

slx-190401.pdf 173.4 KiB / PDF

sp_cy43_olev_asm2019.pdf 480.6 KiB / PDF

szintai_c-srnwp_aladin-ws_2019.pdf 588.2 KiB / PDF

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vana_ecmwf_rd.pdf 8.3 MiB / PDF

vana_sl_update.pdf 7.6 MiB / PDF

verification.eps.asm.2019.aj.pdf 583.2 KiB / PDF

wk2019-agenda.pdf 117.9 KiB / PDF

wk2019-participant.pdf 42.4 KiB / PDF

ws-madrid-petrasmol-lacedyn.pdf 13.9 MiB / PDF

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xiaohua_yang_asm2019_high_resolution_nwp_dmi.pdf 3 MiB / PDF