Since the 3rd MoU (November 2005), the governance of the ALADIN project is under the responsability of the General Assembly (GA) who designs the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC meets before each GA [1] : the Minutes of the PAC meeting are one of the preparatory documents of the GA. See also the PAC’s Terms of reference in annex to MoU4.
Since May 2013, it has been decided to have a back-to-back HAC/PAC with a joint HAC-PAC session. In May 2017, it was decided to move the PAC meeting from spring to autumn, to take into account the new process for the common Rolling Work Plan. This will be effective from 2018. The question is still opened to have a PAC (and a HAC/PAC) meeting in October 2018 (HAC will meet anyhow on 17-18 October 2017 in Madrid).
PAC or Bureau meeting | Date | Place | Minutes |
11th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 19 October afternoon - 20 October 2020 morning | Minutes | |
20th PAC meeting | 19 October 2020 morning | Minutes | |
10th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 14 afternoon-15 May 2020 | Minutes | |
19th PAC meeting | 14 May morning 2020 | Minutes | |
9th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 5 November 2019 | Toulouse, France | Minutes |
18th PAC meeting | 4 November 2019 | Toulouse, France | Minutes |
8th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 14 May 2019 | Norrköping, Sweden | Minutes |
17th PAC meeting | 13 May 2019 | Norrköping, Sweden | Minutes |
7th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 23 October 2018 | Prague, Czech Republic | Minutes |
16th PAC meeting | 22 October 2018 | Prague, Czech Republic | Minutes |
6th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 23 May, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland | Minutes |
15th PAC meeting | 22 May, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland | Minutes |
14th PAC meeting | 22 May, 2017 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Minutes |
5th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 22 May, 2017 | Copenhagen, Denmark | Minutes |
13rd PAC meeting | 23 May, 2016 | Brussels, Belgium | Minutes |
4th Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 23 May, 2016 | Brussels, Belgium | Minutes |
Extraordinary PAC meeting | 21 September, 2015 | Toulouse, France | Minutes |
12th PAC meeting | 21 May, 2015 | Helsinki, Finland | Minutes |
3rd Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 21 May, 2015 | Helsinki, Finland | Minutes |
11th PAC meeting | 19 May, 2014 | Lisbon, Portugal | Minutes |
2nd Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 19 May, 2014 | Lisbon, Portugal | Minutes |
6th Bureau preparatory meeting | 23 October, 2013 | web-meeting | report in GA18 |
10th PAC meeting | 6-7 May, 2013 | Toulouse, France | Minutes |
1st Joint HAC/PAC meeting | 6 May, 2013 | Toulouse, France | Minutes |
5th Bureau preparatory meeting | 22 October, 2012 | Vienna, Austria | report in GA 17 |
9th PAC meeting | 4-5 June, 2012 | Bratislava, Slovakia | Minutes |
4th Bureau preparatory meeting | 24 October, 2011 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | report in GA 16 |
8th PAC meeting | 6-7 June, 2011 | Bruxelles, Belgium | Minutes |
7th PAC meeting | 30 November, 2010 | Budapest, Hungary | Minutes |
6th PAC meeting | 3-4 June, 2010 | Bucarest, Romania | minutes |
3rd Bureau preparatory meeting | 14 October, 2009 | Brussels, Belgium | report in GA 14 |
5th PAC meeting | 28-29 May, 2009 | Paris, France | minutes |
2nd Bureau preparatory meeting | 22 October, 2008 | Brussels, Belgium | report in GA 13 |
4th PAC meeting | 19-20 May, 2008 | Casablanca, Morocco | minutes |
1st Bureau preparatory meeting | 24-25 October, 2007 | Vienna, Austria | report in GA 12 |
3rd PAC meeting | 7-8 June, 2007 | Prague, Czech Republic | minutes |
2nd PAC meeting | 21-22 September, 2006 | Lisbonne, Portugal | minutes |
1st PAC meeting | January 26th, 2006 | Vienna, Austria | minutes |