At the kind invitation of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the 4th ACCORD All Staff Workshop was held in Noorköping (Sweden) as an hybrid meeting from 15 to 19 April 2024.
Local informations - Practical informations
SMHI made block reservations at a preferential rate in three hotels. All details in the comprehensive information document prepared by our hosts: Information pack
Practical information Monday
Practical information Tuesday
Practical information Wednesday
Practical information Thursday
The form will be open until the 5th of March 2024 => closed ! !
But you can still register here until the end of March for an online participation without a presentation or a poster.
The draft agenda is now available: agenda
update: 12-04-2024
Guidelines for a soft hybrid ASW
For speakers, for posters, for chairs, for participants
Please upload your presentations in PRESENTATIONS and your poster in POSTERS
update: 04-04-2024
Social events
For legal reasons SMHI is not allowed to provide alcohol. The ice breaker on Monday at the SMHI premises will be alcohol free. For the same reason alcohol will not be provided for the Wednesday evening dinner. However, everyone is free to drink at their own expense.
On Wednesday the visit and dinner will take place in Linkoping. SMHI has organised visits to the Swedish National Data Center and Old Linköping: Schedule.
Buses will be provided to leave SMHI for Linköping at 13.20 and be back to the centre of Norrköping at 21.30.
If you do not wish to attend both the visit and the dinner, you will need to make your own travel arrangements.
Please confirm your participation in the ice breaker, the visits, the dinner and your choice of dinner with this form before 31 March => closed ! !
The list of participants is now available: participants
Note that registration for online participation without a presentation or a poster is still possible until the 31st of March, the list will be updated then.
update: 29-03-2024
Plenary Sessions
Video conference link for all plenary sessions.
Please upload your presentations in PRESENTATIONS
- Plenary opening session. Chair: BOJAROVA Jelena
video password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- Opening of the meeting and welcome speech by the DG of SMHI
- SAMUELSSON Patrick: Practical information provided by SMHI organizers
- FISCHER Claude: The PM’s talk
- Plenary session: Code and system. Chair: HEILEMANN MYHRE Rolf, Online co-chair: SEITY Yann
video part1, video part2 password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- DEGRAUWE Daan: Progress in code adaptation to GPUs
- EL KHATIB Ryad: Météo-France RAPS2024 benchmark
- PETITHOMME Harold: New printing of SP/GP norms and tools for their analysis
Described tools available at the bottom of the System webpage of the ACCORD wiki. - MARY Alexandre: Cycles and co
- WHELAN Eoin: The UWC-W application infrastructure
- DENBY Leif: Streamlining Harmonie output usage by converting GRIB to Zarr
- ANDRAE Ulf: The On Demand Extremes workflow in Destination Earth
- SANTOS MUÑOZ Daniel: ACCORD System activities and future perspectives
- Posters introduction. Chair: SANCHEZ-ARRIOLA Jana
video password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
- Ice Breaker
- Plenary session : Surface analysis and modelling. Chair: MOKHTARI Mohamed, Online co-chair: SANDER Tijm
video password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- TUDOR Martina: Surface related activities in LACE
- ASPELIEN Trygve: Using a Reanalysis-Driven Land Surface Model for Initialization of a NWP System, and app.
- LODH Abhishek: Preliminary Results from EKF based Land Data Assimilation for the Soil Diffusion ISBA model
- SAMUELSSON Patrick: Progress with multi-layer surface physics in HARMONIE-AROME
- Plenary session : Physics paremetrizations. Chair: GLEESON Emily, Online co-chair: MAŠEK Jan
video part 1 password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
video part 2 password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- HRASTINSKI Mario: Physics activities in RC-LACE
- SEITY Yann: Microphysics developments in AROME
- IVARSSON Karl-Ivar: Some developments and tests regarding cloud physics etc in MetCoOp
- SCHÄFER Sophia: Status and plans of ecRad radiation at Météo-France
- NIELSEN Kristian Pagh: Cloud-radiation interaction features
- MAŠEK Ján: Aerosol plans at CHMI
- NEMEC David: Path towards operational use of recent ALARO microphysics developments
- WIBMER Benedikt: Evaluation of AROME model Valley Wind Simulations in the Inn Valley, Austria
- BAZILE Eric: Progress of the pseudo 3D turbulence
- HRASTINSKI Mario: Overview of turbulence length scale developments in TOUCANS
- SHAPKALIJEVSKI Metodija: Towards an ACCORD environment for single column model simulations
- Plenary session : Ensemble forecasting and predictability. Chair: ANDRAE Ulf, Online co-chair: BELLUŠ Martin
video password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- WASTL Clemens: LACE EPS activities
- FROGNER Inger-Lise: HarmonEPS developments
- FEDDERSEN Henrik: Pros and cons of continuous EPS
- Plenary session : Meteorological quality assurance and verification. Chair: DECKMYN Alex, Online co-chair: CENGIZ Yelis
video part 1 video part 2 password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- TASCU Simona: LACE verification activities
- WHELAN Eoin: Evaluation of UWC-W pre-operational forecasts
- SARANKO Olli: Comparison of HR HARMONIE-AROME heat wave results to a vast observation network in Turku, Finland
- GONZALEZ ALEMAN Juan Jesus: Evaluating sub-km simulations for high-impact convective activity under DE On Demand Extremes
- SCHEFFKNECHT Phillip: Evaluating AROME 500 m Heavy Precipitation Forecasts in the Framework of DEODE
- YANG Xiaohua: ACCORD simulation at 500 m: where do we find added values
- YAZGI Daniel: Spatial Verification in harp
- SINGLETON Andrew: Reflections and Outcomes from the harp Training Course 2024
- Plenary session : Dynamics Chair: DEGRAUWE Daan, Online co-chair:AUGER Ludovic
video, password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- SMOLIKOVA Petra: Dynamics in LACE
- CLANCY Colm: High resolution and dynamics experiments at Met Éireann
- VOITUS Fabrice: Current status of using FVM as a possible future dynamical core
- Plenary session : Data Assimilation.
Chair: STRAJNAR Benedikt, Online co-chair: KHALFAOUI Wafa
video part1 video part 2, password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
Chair: MENETRIER Benjamin, Online co-chair: TROJAKOVA Alena
video part 3 password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- MARSEILLE Gert-Jan: Optimising the Exploitation of Aeolus Winds in Regional NWP
- NEDUNCHERAN Adhithiyan: Assessing impact of SEVIRI water vapour channels in All-Sky conditions in AROME
- ERESMAA Reima: The impact of microwave sounder radiance assimilation in the Nordic and Arctic regions
- GUEDJ Stephanie: Preliminary results on all-sky MHS data assimilation in the AROME-ARCTIC NWP system.
- LINDSKOG Magnus: Preparations of HARMONIE-AROME for the Arctic Weather Satellite
- HAASE Günther: OPERA NIMBUS radar data evaluation in HARMONIE-AROME
- BROUSSEAU Pierre: A 4DEnVar scheme for Arome-France : presentation and evaluation
- KHALFAOUI Wafa: Use of global EDA perturbations in a LAM 3DEnVar scheme
- MALLICK Swapan: Derivation of Structure Functions over the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA-2) Region
- BUČÁNEK Antonín: Data assimilation activities in RC LACE
- DÍEZ María: HARMONIE-AROME nowcasting suite at AEMET
- Plenary session: Applications Chair: WITTMANN Christoph, Online co-chair: MONTEIRO Maria
video part1 video part 2, password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- RANDRIAMAMPIANINA Roger: On-Demand Extremes Digital Twin: Status and challenges in Phase 2
- VAN DEN BLEEKEN Dieter: Improving offshore wind power forecasts in the Belgian North Sea
- ANTOINE Salomé: AROME-500m operational configurations at Météo-France in 2024
- BOUYSSEL François: Status and plans of 48t1 and 49t1 e-suites at Météo-France
- LANDGREN Oskar: Latest progress in HARMONIE Climate, and links to NWP
- DEWETTINCK Wout: State of regional climate modelling in Belgium with the ALARO model
- Plenary closing session. Chair: Claude FISCHER, Online co-chair: PRISTOV Neva
video, password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW- Summary of sessions and related side-meetings (Area Leaders and co-redactors/chairs) :
- Code, System and Transversal Activities by Area Leaders & Integration Leader (D. S., D. D., P. T., A. M.):
- Dynamics by Area Leader (Ludovic AUGER) :
- Physics parametrisations by Area Leader (Metodija SHAPKALJEVSKI) :
- Surface by Area Leader (Patrick SAMUELSSON):
- MQA by Area Leader (Carl FORTELIUS):
- EPS by Area Leader (Henrik FEDDERSEN):
- Data Assimilation by Area Leader (Benedikt STRAJNAR):
- Applications by CSC Leaders (Eric BAZILE, Jeanette ONVLEE, Martina TUDOR):
- Claude FISCHER: Closing of the 2024 ASW
- Summary of sessions and related side-meetings (Area Leaders and co-redactors/chairs) :
- 1-hour parallel sessions on Tuesday
- Physics-oriented validation part 1 - Chair: SHAPKALIJEVSKI Metodija
- Informations on ACCORD wiki
- video, Password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
- SHAPKALIJEVSKI Metodija: Advancing the evaluation of parametrezation development
- Physics-oriented validation part 1 - Chair: SHAPKALIJEVSKI Metodija
- Data Assimilation - Chair: STRAJNAR Benedikt
- video, Password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
- MENETRIER Benjamin: Making OOPS easier to use for new systems
- ESCRIBA Pau et al.: OOPS Local Area 4DVAR
- Data Assimilation - Chair: STRAJNAR Benedikt
- Climate - Chair: WANG Fuxing - Co-chair: LANDGREN Oskar
- video, Password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
- Climate - Chair: WANG Fuxing - Co-chair: LANDGREN Oskar
- 2-hours parallel sessions on Thursday
- Physics-oriented validation part 2
- Informations on ACCORD wiki
- video, Password: 4th_ACCORD_ASW
- Physics-oriented validation part 2
- Code and System
Please upload your poster in POSTERS
- Thematic posters
- BAKKETUN Åsmund: Surface analysis using the LETKF
- CHIKHI Walid: Evaluation of visibility with LIMA
- GEIJO GUERRERO Carlos: Initialization and Impact Studies on Sub-Hourly Assimilation of Wind Radar Data in Harmonie-Arome
- GUEDJ Stephanie: Optimizing the use of microwave observations over Polar regions
- LERNER-VILU Alina: Cloud data assimilation using observation operator defined by the penalty function. Proof of the concept.
- MENETRIER Benjamin: Interfacing Harmonie with SABER for EnVar applications
- VIANA Samuel: Testing a Dry Soil Layer scheme in SURFEX and Harmonie-Arome
- Nationals posters
- BROZKOVA Radmila: Numerical Weather Prediction at CHMI
- CALVO Javier: AEMET NWP activities
- CRĂCIUN Alexandra: National poster Romania
- DARCY Rónán: Operational NWP at Met Éireann
- DECKMYN Alex: Belgian national poster
- HDIDOU Fatima: National poster Morocco
- LOO Cécile: Overview of Météo-France NWP systems
- LOPES Nuno: NWP activities at IPMA
- PANEŽIĆ Suzana: The NWP activities at Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service in spring 2024
- SIMON André & DERKOVA Maria: NWP related activities in 2023-2024 at SHMU (a national poster)
- STACHURA Gabriel: NWP in Poland
- SZEPSZO Gabriella: NWP activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- TSENOVA Boryana: NWP in Bulgaria
- WEIDLE Florian: National Poster Austria
- WHELAN Eoin: UWC-W operational config