Operational configurations
Article published on 7 January 2021
last modification on 17 April 2023

by pottier

(maps updated on December 2, 2022 and summary table in April 2023)

Within ACCORD Consortium, the 3 CSCs (ALARO, AROME, HARMONIE-AROME) and the ALADIN configuration run operationally on a wide range of computers, from single workstations to vectorial computers in shared or distributed memory,or clusters of workstations under Linux.

60 operational configurations in short

The table in the joint document summarizes the main data of the 60 main operational configurations in ACCORD.

Graphics and maps

CSC configurations in ACCORD

Configurations by families in ACCORD

AROME configurations in ACCORD

HARMONIE-AROME configurations in ACCORD

ALARO configurations in ACCORD

ALADIN configurations in ACCORD

Vertical levels used in operational systems and their standard atmosphere heights

Configurations run by NMSs : click on the country to get the map with operational configurations in white when ALADIN, in red when ALARO, in blue when AROME, in green when HARMONIE-AROME

Algeria Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Rep Denmark Estonia France(1), (2)
Finland Hungary Iceland: see DMI/VI-IGB Ireland Lithuania Morocco Norway Netherlands Poland
Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Tunisia Turkey
MetCoOp (common operation for Estonia, Finland, Norway & Sweden)

Configurations run by Families

All Flat-Rate All HIRLAM All LACE All MF

Overview prepared by EUMETNET-SRNWP

See also the summary (as of Dec 2021) : "EUMETNET-SRNWP Overview of Operational Numerical Weather Prediction Systems in Europe, deterministic models and Ensemble Prediction Systems".