Reports from Scientific Visits
Article published on 13 December 2021
last modification on 24 October 2023

by pottier

The ACCORD budget funds Working Weeks and Scientific Visits between ACCORD teams. Other visits are directly funded by the NMSs, or the groupings (HIRLAM, LACE).
In 2021, due to Covid pandemic, most of the WWs and visits were converted into on-line meeting or cancelled.

  • 2023 (reports will be added after the visit takes place)
    • Mustafa Başaran (MGM) hosted by Clemens Wastl (GEOSPHERE Austria) : E8.5: C-LAEF for Turkey ; 1 week in summer
    • Pau Escriba (AEMET) & Roel Stappers (Met Norway) hosted by Jan Barkmeijer (KNMI) : DA6.9 TL/AD for OOPS 4D-Var. ; 1 week each, Feb 2023
    • Thomas Vergauwen (RMI) hosted by Geoffrey Bessardon (Met Eireann) : ML in physiography - SU5.6 ; 1 week
    • Piotr Sekula (IMGW-PIB) hosted by Laura Rontu (FMI) : Aerosols and radiation with acraneb2 PH6 ; 3 weeks (April 2023)
    • Ana Šljivić (DHMZ) hosted by Laura Rontu (FMI) : Aerosols and radiation with acraneb2 PH6 ; 1 week (April 2023)
    • Rolf Myhren (Met.No) hosted by Sebastien Riette, Quentin Rodier : SPTR: PHYEX/APL-Arome code refactoring ; 4 weeks, preferably in Feb/Mar
    • Bert van Ulft (KNMI) hosted by Sebastien Riette, Quentin Rodier : SPTR: PHYEX code refactoring ; 1 week, preferably in Feb/Mar in coordination with Rolf’s visit
    • Nour El Isslam KERROUMI (ONM/DZ) hosted by Rafiq Hamdi (RMI) : Evaluation of surfex-offline with TEB (SU3.3) ; 4 weeks
    • Walid CHIKHI (Algeria), hosted by Alexandre Mary and Ryad EL Khatib (MF), funded by MF in-kind: Externalization of LFI-FA formats from the IAL Code; 3 weeks in February 2023: report
  • 2022
    • Ana Šljivić (Croatia) hosted by FMI / Laura, 29 Nov. - 16 Dec. 2022 : Physics PH6.3 - radiation
    • DA scientific working visit on ships VarBC, 21 Nov. - 2 Dec., Norrköping. Sigurdur Thorsteinsson IMO to Magnus Lindskog and Jelena Bojarova, SMHI.
    • Geoffrey Bessardon (Met Éirean), Sandro Oswald (ZAMG) hosted by FMI (Ekaterina Kurzeneva and Olli Saranko), 10-14 October 2022 : Applying ML for physiographic maps (SU5.6 of RWP2022).
    • Ahto Mets (ESTEA), Daniel Yazgi (SMHI) hosted by Alex Deckmyn (RMI) : Development of harpSpatial
    • Abdenour Ambar hosted by MF (Toulouse) Yann : Interaction Dust/turbulence & Lima
    • Suzana Panežić (DHMZ) hosted by CHMI / Alena Trojakova : Further sensitivity studies with radar reflectivity DA, 25 July - 19 August 2023: report
    • Matjaž Ličar (ARSO) hosted by OMSZ/Helga Toth : Remote-sensed observations in SEKF
    • Ana Šljivić hosted by Eric (Toulouse) : Develop a simplified version of ISBA, in order to implement a Surfex-independent test case in DAVAÏ for the 3 CSCs)
    • Alina Lerner (ESTEA) hosted by Roger Randriamampianina (MeT Norway), 09–27.05.2022 : Set up a high resolution NWP system with DA: report
    • Mohamed Mokhtari hosted by MF (Toulouse) Yann : Coupling LIMA-Aerosols-CAMS, 7-21 June 2022, report
    • Rolf Heilemann Myhre hosted by RMI (Brussels) : Code adaptation tools
    • Harold McInnes (Met Norway) hosted by SMHI/Ulf Andrae, Patrick, Daniel Yazgi, 13-17 June 2022 : EPS E11.2 - Extend SPP to surface parameters: report
    • Carlos Geijo (AEMET) hosted by Magnus Lindskog (SMHI), 27 June - 1 July : Meteorological Radar Doppler Wind Data Assimilation in HARMONIE-AROME using the Field-Alignment Algorithm: report
    • Michiel Van Ginderachter hosted by CHMI : Graupel in ALARO PH3.5
    • Marvin Kahnert (tbc) hosted by KNMI/Wim de Rooij : PH2: capacity building: Wim to teach Marvin the details of the Harmonie-Arome turb/shallow convection codes
    • Rachel Honnert hosted by ZAMG/Christoph Wittman : Shared evaluation of the 3D orographic effect on the turbulence (Goger) recently implemented in AROME with ZAMG tools developed for Alpine region
    • Mats Dahlbom (DMI), Jana Sanchez (AEMET) hosted by Martin Ridal (SMHI), 9-13 May 2022: Radar assimilation (common quality control/monitoring/status update, Doppler winds Data Assimilation, preprocessing radar data, ...): report
    • Kristian Pagh Nielsen hosted by Quentin Libois & Yann Seity / Toulouse : Discuss evolution of radiation physics: report
  • 2021
    • Metodija Shapkalijevski, SMHI (Sweden) & Samuel Viana, AEMET (Spain): Implementing the roughness-sublayer parameterization in SURFEX vegetation-atmosphere coupling, 22.11.2021 - 26.11.2021, hosts Aaron Boone, Quentin Rodier, Patrick Le Moigne, Météo-France (Toulouse): report
    • Ahto Mets (Estonia), 8.11.2021 - 03.12.2021, host Carl Fortelius, FMI (Helsinki): training on diagnostic monitoring and verification practices: report
    • Alina Lerner (Estonia), 18.10.2021 - 05.11.2021, hosts Roger Randriamampianina and Per Dahlgren, (Oslo): training on the data assimilation processes in Harmonie system: report
    • Maria Monteiro, IPMA (Portugal): Radar DA, 22.11.2021 - 03.12.2021, hosts Pierre Brousseau, Maud Marter, Météo-France (Toulouse)
    • Iris Odak Plenković, DHMZ (Croatia), 22.11.2021 - 17.12.2021, hosts Alexander Kann and Irene Schicker, ZAMG (Vienna): The analog-based method application to gridded data post-processing: report
    • Ana Slivic, DHMZ (Croatia), Piotr Sekula, IMGW (Poland): 18.11.2021 - 09.12.2021, host Laura Rontu, FMI (Helsinki)

Alina visit, Oslo, Oct. 2021 838.9 KiB / PDF

Carlos Geijo, June 2022 1.6 MiB / PDF

Harold McInnes, June 2022 578.6 KiB / PDF

Iris visit, Vienna, Nov-Dec 2021 843.3 KiB / PDF

Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Toulouse, April 2022 1.2 MiB / PDF

Mats Dahlbom and Jana Sanchez-Arriola, Norrkoping, May 2022, 682.8 KiB / PDF

Meto and Samuel visit, Toulouse, Nov. 2021 176.8 KiB / PDF

Mohamed Mokhtari, Toulouse, June 2022 4.4 MiB / PDF

Suzana Panežić (DHMZ) visit at CHMI, hosted by Alena Trojakova, summer 2022 7.6 MiB / PDF

Walid CHIKHI, visit to MF, Feb 2023 640.4 KiB / PDF