2nd ACCORD ASW, 4-8 April 2022, Ljubljana (hybrid)
Article published on 25 June 2021
last modification on 6 May 2022

by pottier

The Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) has kindly proposed to host the 2nd ACCORD ASW in Ljubljana, from April 4 to April 8 2022 at Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana.

The meeting is organised as an hybrid meeting, with participants in Ljubljana hotel and remote participants.
With this hybrid format, the ASW will be organised over 5 full days (4-8 April). No LTM nor MG meetings will be organised this very week.

Participants, chairs, speakers, poster presenters: please consult the Guidelines for a smooth ASW and pay attention to the documents to provide in advance (pdf files of posters/presentations, slide for posters session).

Link to the video-ASW: https://bluejeans.com/277705847/6376



  • 4 April 2022: link to video-recordings: chapter 1: opening session, chapters 2: Surface session, chapter 4: Dynamics session, chapter 5: Poster session, chapter 8: Side-meeting on Stable Bondary Layer modelling
  • 5 April 2022: link to video-recordings: physics session (chapters 1, 2 & 3), 3D physics side meeting (chapters 4 & 5)
  • 6 April 2022: link to video-recordings: Data Assimilation session (chapters 6 to 9)
  • 7 April 2022: link to video-recordings: Meteorological Quality Assurance and Applications session (chapters 10 & 11), Code & System session (chapter 12 & 13), DA side meeting (chapter 14)
  • 8 April 2022: link to video-recordings: EPS session (chapters 1 & 2), Closing session (chapter 3)

Discussions in the chat: see here

Presentations slides (pdf of the presentations):


Posters: see also the posters introductory slides

Local information

Block reservations have been made at two hotels:Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana (registration form, deadline is 16 March) and City Hotel Ljubljana (please send an e-mail to reservations@cityhotel.si with code reference ACCORD2022). All details in the comprehensive information document prepared by our hosts. Other hotels are also suggested in the document.
The hosts highly recommend to take lunch (self-service buffet, contribution 10€) at the restaurant of the hotel, as there are not many restaurants surrounding the venue, some have also not yet reopened after Covid-19. They will ask in-situ participants for information about lunches and dinner on Wednesday some days before the event. Those who will stay at the Austria Trend Hotel can apply for the lunch already now when filling registration form.

2nd_accord_workshop_20220405_antoine_salome.pdf 7.9 MiB / PDF

accordasw20022_dm_contrcosmo_4apr2022_dm.pdf 280.4 KiB / PDF

accordasw20022_ekdm_dscssnintro_4apr2022.pdf 95 KiB / PDF

accordasw2022_dmps_heterosbl.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

accord_2022asw_daskit-final.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

accord_2nd_aws_alaoui_badreddine.pdf 3.2 MiB / PDF

accord_asm_presentation-bg.pdf 3.6 MiB / PDF

accord_asw22_meto.pdf 5.8 MiB / PDF

accord_da_activities.pdf 596.4 KiB / PDF

accord_da_sessions.pdf 189.4 KiB / PDF

accord_ys_050422_v2.pdf 5.3 MiB / PDF

asm_2022_viana_shapkalijevski.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

assimilation_of_surface-sensitive_mw_observations_over_land_and_sea-ice_in_harmonie-arome_accord_meeting_asw_-_april2022_2_.pdf 4.6 MiB / PDF

asw-closing.pdf 196.1 KiB / PDF

asw2022-smolikova.pdf 1.6 MiB / PDF

aswkmdfinal.pptx.pdf 6.7 MiB / PDF

belgium-poster-asw2022.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

belusic_weak_wind_sbl.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

berre_oops_assim.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

bucanek_ws2022_radar.pdf 2.6 MiB / PDF

cclancy_accord_asw_april2022.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

claudef_wgs_asw2022_v1.pdf 170.6 KiB / PDF

code_and_system_session_summary_.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

daand_asw2022.pdf 264 KiB / PDF

dahlgren_sar_allstaff_wednesday.pdf 3.1 MiB / PDF

da_lace_bstrajnar_2022_asw.pdf 3.3 MiB / PDF

dynamics_accord_asw.pdf 135.3 KiB / PDF

ebazile_arome_e-suite.pdf 4.9 MiB / PDF

ebazile_seity_napoly_surfex_asw_2022.pdf 3.2 MiB / PDF

egleeson_accord_asw_2022_05042022.pdf 5.5 MiB / PDF

eoin_whelan_accorddatools.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

eoin_whelan_uwcw_update_poster.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

eps_session_summary.pdf 168.8 KiB / PDF

eresmaa_accord_asw_2022_v1.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

evolution_of_systems_in_accord__towards_a_more_common_and_transparent_environment_daniel_santos.pdf 3.5 MiB / PDF

gl_asw_2022_ulf_andrae.pdf 800.9 KiB / PDF

gregow_asw2022_rt2_8_11_overview.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF

harmonie-arome4dvar_asm2022.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

hclim43_eval_asw_2022.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

hirlam_da_asw2022.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

hirlam_ls.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

ice-t_validation_runs.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF

il-frogner_accord_asw2022.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

karl-ivar_metcoop_phys_202204.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

lace_eps_wastl-2.pdf 3.2 MiB / PDF

lace_status_asw2022_bochenek.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

lam-dynamics-physics-coupling-in-accord-220404.pdf 3.2 MiB / PDF

landgren_accord_asm_2022_changes_in_precipitation_with_near-real-time_aerosols.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

lightning_simulation_in_alaro.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

mary_2022-04-07.pdf 871.7 KiB / PDF

mf-accord-glgrib.pdf 6.3 MiB / PDF

mf-accord-refactoring-gpu.pdf 755.8 KiB / PDF

mlange-asw2022.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

mqaa_summary.pdf 151.8 KiB / PDF

mqaquery_fortelius.pdf 440.7 KiB / PDF

multi-layer_surface_physics_patrick_samuelsson.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

national_poster_austria_accord_2022.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

national_poster_shmu4asw_simon_etal_2022.pdf 3.8 MiB / PDF

national_poster_slovenia_asw2022.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

nielsen_20220405_accord_asw_3d_radiation_discussion.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

phy2022aws.pdf 206.6 KiB / PDF

physic3d.pdf 121.8 KiB / PDF

pm_asw2022_v0.pdf 877.7 KiB / PDF

poster-france-asw2022-vfinal.pdf 8.8 MiB / PDF

posteraccord-asw2022_poland.pdf 3.5 MiB / PDF

posters-introduction-asw2022.pdf 5.5 MiB / PDF

poster_10_schneider.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

poster_croatia_asw_2022.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

poster_hungary-omsz_2022.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

poster_ireland_asw2022.pdf 2.5 MiB / PDF

poster_romania_asw_2022.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

poster_spain_asw2022.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

poster_szintai_aws_2022.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

poster_trojakova_asw_2022.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

presentation-mohand-ouali.pdf 622.6 KiB / PDF

presentationrh.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

presentation_accord_workshop_2022_simonatascu.pdf 4.8 MiB / PDF

rad_thoughts_jm.pdf 38.7 KiB / PDF

raynaud_prez.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

relative_impact_of_obs_in_lam.pdf 6.9 MiB / PDF

ridal_radarwinds.pdf 858.6 KiB / PDF

rogel_accord_2022.pdf 2.4 MiB / PDF

rontuetal_asw22.pdf 13.6 MiB / PDF

scheffknecht_verif_accord_2022.pdf 9.4 MiB / PDF

slides_closings_3dphysics_2022aws.pdf 201.1 KiB / PDF

stablepbl2022aws.pdf 192.2 KiB / PDF

summary_surface_accord_patrick_samuelsson.pdf 653.7 KiB / PDF

surface_accord_patrick_samuelsson.pdf 457 KiB / PDF

szintai_c-srnwp-status_accord-2022.pdf 3.1 MiB / PDF

tsiringakis_accord_all_staff_workshop.pdf 3.3 MiB / PDF

uranie-harmoneps_mvg_asw2022.pdf 1.4 MiB / PDF

whatshappeninginharp.pdf 957 KiB / PDF

Agenda (version 8 April 2022) 164.6 KiB / PDF

Chat (4-8 April 2022) 128.6 KiB / PDF

Guidelines for a smooth workshop (updated version on 29 March) 78.5 KiB / PDF

List of participants (on 8 April 2022) 92 KiB / PDF

Local information 889.4 KiB / PDF

Registration to Trend hotel (accomodation and/or lunches) 821.3 KiB / PDF