CONTEXTE : L’Afrique Sub-Saharienne est particulièrement vulnérable aux changements environnementaux du fait de la combinaison entre une forte variabilité climatique naturelle, une forte dépendance aux activités liées au climat comme l’agriculture pluviale et des capacités économiques et institutionnelles limitées pour faire face et s’adapter à la variabilité et aux évolutions climatiques.
ESCAPE : Environmental and Social Changes in Africa : Past, present and future, Changements environnementaux et sociaux en Afrique : passé, présent et futur |
ESCAPE se propose de revitaliser la connaissance scientifique des changements environnementaux et sociétaux en Afrique Sub-Saharienne à travers une vision interdisciplinaire contribuant à l’aide à la décision.
Le projet vise à fournir un diagnostic des changements passés et à l’oeuvre dans les systèmes de production ruraux et d’y faire ressortir les implications de la variabilité climatique et les conséquences des évolutions climatiques sur ces systèmes. Il étudie également comment les effets induits par le climat interagissent avec les autres changements globaux en Afrique (changements démographiques, changements dans l’utilisation des terres, urbanisation croissante, reconfigurations sociales, pauvreté…).
Coordinateur | Benjamin Sultan | |
Correspondant CNRM-GAME | Françoise Guichard | |
Équipes CNRM-GAME | GMME | |
Site Internet du projet | ESCAPE | |
Financement | ANR | |
Début | Fev 2011 | |
Duration | 4 ans |
The overall objective of ESCAPE is to assess the vulnerability of rural societies in SSA to climate and environmental changes and to explore adaptation pathways to reduce this vulnerability. The specific objectives of ESCAPE are :
- Detect and attribute environmental changes : ESCAPE will provide a new insight of the past major environmental changes in Africa through their different components, drivers and their complex interdependencies ;
- Improve understanding of climate changes : ESCAPE aims to better understand the mechanisms of the recent decadal evolution of rainfall in Africa. ESCAPE will therefore take the necessary steps to reduce the uncertainties in climate change projections ;
- Quantify vulnerabilities and adaptive capacity : ESCAPE will assess the vulnerability, the resilience and the adaptive capacity of rural communities in various climate-limited livelihood systems by conducting an integrated analysis of primary production and natural resources role into the global social dynamics ;
- Explore adaptation options for the future : ESCAPE will move beyond the static view of vulnerability assessments and the linear extrapolation of climate scenario impacts to facilitate pro-active adaptation that is scientifically sound and socially acceptable. ESCAPE will investigate the potential of climate information in the design of adaption options that would be able to reduce the vulnerability of major climate-limited livelihood systems in SSA ;
- Maintain established capacity in Africa : To ensure that processes and networks established throughout the project can continue after the program and contribute to reinforce research capacity in Africa, ESCAPE will facilitate bilateral scientific exchanges between France and Africa.
Description du Projet
The project is organized in 6 Tasks summarized in the schematic below (see more details on the ESCAPE web page).
Contribution of CNRM-GAME
Our contribution relies on our :
- Expertise on West African weather and climate, built from the AMMA project ;
- Expertise in atmospheric processes, observations and modelling of physical processes.
It involves some dedicated work to :
- the analyses of observations (automatic weather stations, SYNOP and sounding data) ;
- the development of physically-based diagnostics ;
- the utilization of these diagnostics to evaluate CMIP5 models and guide their development.
The three reports below provide comprehensive information on our work in ESCAPE and results :
- LOCEAN (IPSL), Paris
- GET (OMP), Toulouse
- CIRAD, Montpellier
- HSM, Montpellier
- LTHE, Grenoble
- LPED, Marseille
- CNRM-GAME, Toulouse
- SEDOO (OMP), Toulouse