2008 - 2nd AROME training course : on-line presentations
The 2nd AROME training course took place in Lisbon (Portugal), on March 4-7 2008.
49 people from 19 countries attended the one week Seminar. 11 teachers gave 16 hours main lectures and 12 hours practical exercises.
This 2nd AROME training course focused on the most important points for running AROME in the real-time weather forecast and research modes, considering the theoretical aspects on Méso-NH physics, AROME settings, NH dynamics in "A-models", RUC, the data assimilation in ALADIN and some practical exercises.
- The AROME project over the last 2 years and status by Gwenaëlle Hello
- Highlights of recent history
- Solved & unsolved problems
- Current performance of Arome
- The future
- Final discussion by Maria Monteiro :
- scientific and technical questions post-workshop
- feedback from the participants about the organization and content of this training course
- NH equations, academic tests by Pierre Bénard
- How to run NH Kernel (namelist variables, etc) by Jozef Vivoda
- Open questions on dynamics by Pierre Bénard
- LB coupling
- fireworks and physics/dynamics interactions
- impact of horizontal diffusion on precipitating systems
- Surface modelling: the SURFEX software by Patrick Le Moigne
- AROME physics presentation: turbulence, shallow convection scheme and link with the cloud scheme by Sylvie Malardel
- Microphysics by Christine Lac
- Open discussion on physics aspects in AROME : plans, known problems by Christine Lac and Sylvie Malardel
- low-level model performances
- subgrid microphysics
- Data assimilation: the RUC system, results from the AROME MF test suite, ensemble B by Pierre Brousseau
- Radar data assimilation (pre-treatment, throughput, QC, obs operator) by Eric Wattrelot
- Surface assimilation: status and plans by Rafiq Hamdi
- Experience on AROME run in a HIRLAM center by Sami Niemelä
- DDH for AROME by Tomislav Kovacic
- 1D model tests - HPCE/local PC
- How to run a 3D model forecast (on ECMWF/HPCE), perform model outputs (on local PC):
- reference run (MIDPYR domain, 6h forecast, 100*100 points)
- namelist changes (horizontal diffusion)
- code changes (in physics: shallow convection, TKE mixing length)