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Coding, phasing, porting

The last articles

Software evolution around ARPEGE, ALADIN, AROME (presentation, 2004)
Published on March 2004

Presentation of Claude Fischer during the ALADIN-NH training course, Toulouse, 15-19 March 2004.

Contents : ARPEGE/IFS collaboration ALADIN collaboration Software interaction ARPEGE/ALADIN Phasing Code management Implications on AROME Configurations overview, librairies, code performance, (…)

From source code management to binaries production for ARPEGE/ALADIN (presentation, 2003)
Published on February 2003

From source code management to binaries production for Arpege/Aladin

This document written by Ryad El Khatib is not a users guide to explain how to make and compile any modification in ARPEGE/ALADIN : there are other manuals for that.

This document is neither a maintenance guide to explain (…)

Validations : the case of Full-Pos (presentation, 2002)
Published on November 2002

Presentation of Ryad El Khatib during the ALADIN maintenance and phasing training course in Budapest on Nov 25-29, 2002.

Contents : Specificities of the software Main processes to achieve the validations Survey of the "gazworks" The configuration e927 The operational post-processing Strategy (…)

Phasing in Toulouse & process of validation (presentation, 2002)
Published on November 2002

Presentation of Claude Fischer during the ALADIN maintenance and phasing training course in Budapest on Nov 25-29, 2002.

Contents : Basic ideas Phasing in Toulouse LAM impacts on the global model : ALADIN tech’book Validation : content Basic validation "Mitraillette" Performances Verification (…)

Debugging & profiling : how and why (presentation, 2002)
Published on November 2002

Presentation of Jure Jerman during the ALADIN maintenance and phasing training course in Budapest on Nov 25-29, 2002.

Contents : Debugging Debugging with TotalView Debugging with standard tools Profiling gprof output MPI profiling Advanced profiling