The epygram library package is a set of Python classes and functions designed to handle meteorological fields in Python, as well as interfacing their storage in various usual (or not) data formats.
The purpose of the library is to provide user-friendly interfaces to formats of data resources (…)
This documentation gives an overview of the IO (file reading and writing) done in the most usual configurations. This is not a technical documentation about IO but rather a documentation describing entries to IO routines. It is not a comprehensive documentation for all configurations (…)
This document by Philippe Marguinaud describes the IO subsystem of ARPEGE/ALADIN/AROME for cycle 39t1. Only historic data IO is covered here, with a few words on Fullpos IO.
Contents : Organization of the code Field descriptors IO buffers Extracting/loading fields MFIOOPTS Code cleaning (…)
An internal (IFS/ARPEGE/LAM) documentation of ODB has been written by the ECMWF (contact at ECMWF : Anne Fouilloux) and is available on the "partners part" of the aladin website (
The FA API is a higher level application programming interface providing an easy access to FA file format.
The fa_api is a wrapper library that integrates several IFS/Arpege auxiliary libraries (fa, lfi, eggx, etc.) and provides unified and easy to use interface for manipulating FA files. The (…)