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MF BULL new computer : use and newcomer’ s guide
Published on 16 May 2014
by Patricia

The documentation for getting started and using MF BULL new computer are on-line on the Partners’ part of the aladin website (information for Partners only, you should get logged in to see the article).

NEC User’s Guide : introduction to NEC “tori†machine at Météo-France (April 2007)
Published on 3 April 2007
by Patricia

This NEC users guide was written by Marion Pithon (French version, 19/02/2007) and translated into English (by Jean Maziejewski, March 2007).

This guide is only available for authorised users (a user/password is needed to acceed to the guides from outside Météo-France).

Main points of (…)

Description technique du cycle d’assimilation d’ALADIN/France (2005)
Published on 21 June 2005

This document (in French) was published in June 2005 by Claude Fischer, Thibaut Montemerle and Valerie Mathiot.

It aims to present the assimilation suite of ALADIN/FRANCE (technical aspects and OLIVE).

Contents : scientific choices detailed sequences and comments acquisition of the (…)