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The last articles

AROME code management (presentation, Nov 2005)
Published on 8 December 2005

Presentation of François Bouttier during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005. Contents : a bit of history Arome, a member of the IFS/ARPEGE galaxy The Méso-NH interaction code version management code style principles validation (…)

Some validation cases for AROME, the recommended and tested options (presentation, Nov 2005)
Published on 5 December 2005

Presentation of Yan Seity during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005 : Good forecasts a) 21-06-05 squall line on MIDPYR b) 05-09-05 red alert on SUDE c) 05-01-05 Fog on MIDPYR Bad forecasts a) 23-06-05 Paris Probems/tested options (…)

AROME code architecture (generalities) and preparation of files involved in the model run (presentation, Nov 2005)
Published on 5 December 2005

Presentation of Yan Seity during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005 : General constraints ALADIN-NH Méso-NH physics interfaced in AROME State variables General computer constraints AROME code architecture Cycles How looking in (…)

Rapid introduction to the architecture of the ALADIN code with a focus on NH aspects (presentation, 2004)
Published on March 2004

Presentation of Gwenaëlle Hello during the ALADIN-NH training course, Toulouse, 15-19 March 2004.

Contents : Computations organisation The data flow spectral arrays grid points arrays data flow NH specificities

Software evolution around ARPEGE, ALADIN, AROME (presentation, 2004)
Published on March 2004

Presentation of Claude Fischer during the ALADIN-NH training course, Toulouse, 15-19 March 2004.

Contents : ARPEGE/IFS collaboration ALADIN collaboration Software interaction ARPEGE/ALADIN Phasing Code management Implications on AROME Configurations overview, librairies, code performance, (…)